Potential Exposure of Aquatic Organisms to Dynamic Visual Cues Originating from Aerial Wind Turbine Blades |
Williamson, B., Goddijn-Murphy, L., Mcllvenny, J. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy |
Fish, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Potential environmental impacts of floating solar photovoltaic systems |
Benjamins, S., Williamson, B., Billing, S-L. |
Journal Article |
Attraction, Changes in Flow, Chemicals, EMF, Habitat Change |
Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions |
Integrated survey methodologies provide process-driven framework for marine renewable energy environmental impact assessment |
Chapman, J., Williamson, B., Couto, A. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow |
Birds, Fish |
A paradigm for understanding whole ecosystem effects of offshore wind farms in shelf seas |
Isaksson, N., Scott, B., Hunt, G. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy |
Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Social & Economic Data |
The bigger picture: developing a low-cost graphical user interface to process drone imagery of tidal stream environments |
Slingsby, J., Scott, B., Kregting, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement |
Birds, Seabirds |
Tidal streams, fish, and seabirds: Understanding the linkages between mobile predators, prey, and hydrodynamics |
Couto, A., Williamson, B., Cornulier, T. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction, Changes in Flow, Habitat Change |
Birds, Seabirds, Fish |
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery to Characterise Pursuit-Diving Seabird Association With Tidal Stream Hydrodynamic Habitat Features |
Slingsby, J., Scott, B., Kregting, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow, Habitat Change |
Birds, Seabirds |
Experimental study of fish behavior near a tidal turbine model under dark conditions |
Yoshida, T., Furuichi, D., Williamson, B. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Collision |
Fish |
Environmental Impacts of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters |
Hutchison, Z., Lieber, L., Miller, R. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise |
Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment |
Statistical power analysis of seabird monitoring methods in strong tidal streams |
Couto, A., Williamson, B., Long, C. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Birds, Seabirds |
Combining acoustic tracking and hydrodynamic modelling to study migratory behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts on entry into high-energy coastal waters |
McIlvenny, J., Youngson, A., Williamson, B. |
Journal Article |
Fish |
The Use of Animal-Borne Biologging and Telemetry Data to Quantify Spatial Overlap of Wildlife with Marine Renewables |
Isaksson, N., Cleasby, I., Owen, E. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Birds, Seabirds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Application of a multibeam echosounder to document changes in animal movement and behaviour around a tidal turbine structure |
Williamson, B., Blondel, P., Williamson, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction, Collision, Habitat Change |
Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals |
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 10: Environmental Monitoring Technologies and Techniques for Detecting Interactions of Marine Animals with Turbines |
Hasselman, D., Barclay, D., Cavagnaro, R. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Assessing the effects of tidal stream marine renewable energy on seabirds: A conceptual framework |
Isaksson, N., Masden, E., Williamson, B. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision, Displacement |
Birds, Seabirds |
Predictable changes in fish school characteristics due to a tidal turbine support structure |
Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Williamson, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction |
Fish |
Interaction of Marine Renewable Energy and Marine Organisms: Active Acoustic Assessment |
Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Nikora, V. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement |
Fish |
Acoustic characterization of sensors used for marine environmental monitoring |
Cotter, E., Murphy, P., Bassett, C. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Fish Distributions in a Tidal Channel Indicate the Behavioural Impact of a Marine Renewable Energy Installation |
Fraser, S., Williamson, B., Nikora, V. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction |
Fish |
Multi-platform studies of the MeyGen tidal energy site – using UAVs to measure animal distributions and hydrodynamic features |
Williamson, B., Fraser, S., McIlvenny, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow, Habitat Change |
Multisensor Acoustic Tracking of Fish and Seabird Behavior Around Tidal Turbine Structures in Scotland |
Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Blondel, P. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Seabirds, Fish, Birds |
Hydrodynamic Impacts of a Marine Renewable Energy Installation on the Benthic Boundary Layer in a Tidal Channel |
Fraser, S., Nikora, V., Williamson, B. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Changes in Flow |
Physical Environment |
Automatic Active Acoustic Target Detection in Turbulent Aquatic Environments |
Fraser, S., Nikora, V., Williamson, B. |
Journal Article |
Quantifying Pursuit-Diving Seabirds' Associations with Fine-Scale Physical Features in Tidal Stream Environments |
Waggitt, J., Cazenave, P., Torres, R. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Habitat Change |
Birds, Seabirds |
Comparing nekton distributions at two tidal energy sites suggests potential for generic environmental monitoring |
Wiesebron, L., Horne, J., Scott, B. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Fish |
Acoustic Imaging around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments of the FLOWBEC Platform |
Williamson, B., Bondel, P., Waggitt, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy |
Predictable Hydrodynamic Conditions Explain Temporal Variations in the Density of Benthic Foraging Seabirds in a Tidal Stream Environment |
Waggitt, J., Cazenave, P., Torres, R. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Birds, Seabirds |
Three-Frequency Colour Sidescan Sonar System for Monitoring the Seabed at Marine Renewable Energy Installations |
Tamsett, D., McIlvenny, J., Baxter, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Habitat Change |
Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions |
Integrating a Multibeam and a Multifrequency Echosounder on the Flowbec Seabed Platform to Track Fish and Seabird Behavior around Tidal Turbine Structures |
Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Blondel, P. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Birds, Seabirds, Fish |
Active acoustic monitoring in extreme turbulence around marine renewable energy devices |
Fraser, S., Williamson, B., Scott, B. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy |
A Self-Contained Subsea Platform for Acoustic Monitoring of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments at Wave and Tidal Energy Sites in Orkney, Scotland |
Williamson, B., Blondel, P., Armstrong, E. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Fish, Birds |
Challenges to Integrating Active Acoustic Sensors |
Cotter, E., Williamson, B., Polagye, B. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy |
Quantifying Change and Impact Thresholds for Biological Monitoring at Marine Renewable Energy Sites |
Wiesebron, L., Horne, J., Hendrix, N. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy |
Flow and Benthic Ecology 4D - FLOWBEC - An Overview |
Bell, P., McCann, D., Scott, B. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy |
Invertebrates |
Using the FLOWBEC Seabed Frame to Understand Underwater Interactions between Diving Seabirds, Prey, Hydrodynamics and Tidal and Wave Energy Structures |
Williamson, B., Scott, B., Waggitt, J. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Birds, Seabirds |
A Combination of Empirical and Modelled Datasets Reveals Associations between Deep Diving Seabirds and Oceanographical Processes at Fine Spatiotemporal Scales in a High Energy Habitat |
Waggitt, J., Bell, P., Cazenave, P. |
Presentation |
Birds |
Long-Term Multibeam Measurements Around a Tidal Turbine Test Site in Orkney, Scotland |
Blondel, P., Williamson, B. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals |
Multibeam Imaging of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices |
Williamson, B., Blondel, P. |
Journal Article |
Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy |
Changes in Flow |
Fish, Birds |