Potential environmental impacts of floating solar photovoltaic systems |
Benjamins, S., Williamson, B., Billing, S-L. |
Journal Article |
Attraction, Changes in Flow, Chemicals, EMF, Habitat Change |
Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions |
Spatial Impact of Wind Farm Construction on Harbor Porpoise Detectability |
van Geel, N., Benjamins, S., Marmo, B. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Characterisation of underwater operational noise of two types of floating offshore wind turbines |
Risch, D., Favill, G., Marmo, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Modeling Small Scale Impacts of Multi-Purpose Platforms: An Ecosystem Approach |
Serpetti, N., Benjamins, S., Brain, S. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Attraction, Avoidance, Habitat Change, Noise |
Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Fisheries |
Offshore multi-purpose platforms for a Blue Growth: A technological, environmental and socio-economic review |
Abhinav, K., Collu, M., Benjamins, S. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Human Dimensions |
Integrating Wind Turbines and Fish Farms: An Evaluation of Potential Risks to Marine and Coastal Bird Species |
Benjamins, S., Masden, E., Collu, M. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Collision |
Birds, Human Dimensions, Fisheries |
Harbour Seals Avoid Tidal Turbine Noise: Implications for Collision Risk |
Hastie, G., Russell, D., Lepper, P. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Challenges and Opportunities in Monitoring the Impacts of Tidal-Stream Energy Devices on Marine Vertebrates |
Fox, C., Benjamins, S., Masden, E. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Harbour Porpoise Distribution can Vary at Small Spatiotemporal Scales in Energetic Habitats |
Benjamins, S., van Geel, N., Hastie, G. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Good noise, bad noise: A tricky case of balancing risk of physical injury against acoustic disturbance for marine mammals and tidal energy devices |
Wilson, B., Marmo, B., Lepper, P. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision, Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Dynamic habitat corridors for marine predators; intensive use of a coastal channel by harbour seals is modulated by tidal currents |
Hastie, G., Russell, D., Benjamins, S. |
Journal Article |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Riding the Tide: Use of a Moving Tidal-Stream Habitat by Harbour Porpoises |
Benjamins, S., Dale, A., van Geel, N. |
Journal Article |
Marine Mammals |
Surveying Marine Mammals in Nearby Tidal Energy Development Sites: a Comparison |
Benjamins, S., Macleod, A., Greenhill, L. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Marine Mammals |
Assessment of Entanglement Risk to Marine Megafauna due to Offshore Renewable Energy Mooring Systems |
Harnois, V., Smith, H., Benjamins, S. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Entanglement |
Marine Mammals |
Confusion Reigns? A Review of Marine Megafauna Interactions with Tidal-Stream Environments |
Benjamins, S., Dale, A., Hastie, G. |
Book Chapter |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals, Birds |
Guidance to Inform Marine Mammal Site Characterisation Requirements at Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Sites in Wales |
Sparling, C., Smith, K., Benjamins, S. |
Report |
Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Estimates of Collision Risk of Harbour Porpoises and Marine Renewable Energy Devices at Sites of High Tidal-Stream Energy |
Wilson, B., Benjamins, S., Elliot, J. |
Report |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision, Avoidance |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Use of Static Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for monitoring cetaceans at Marine Renewable Energy Installations (MREIs) for Marine Scotland |
Embling, C., Wilson, B., Benjamins, S. |
Guidance |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Movement Patterns of Seals in Tidally Energetic Sites: Implications for Renewable Energy Development |
Hastie, G., Benjamins, S., Bird, A. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Understanding the Potential for Marine Megafauna Entanglement Risk from Marine Renewable Energy Developments [Presentation] |
Benjamins, S., Harnois, V., Smith, H. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Entanglement |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Marine Mammals and Tidal Turbines: What are the Issues of Concern and how are they being Resolved? |
Wilson, B., Hastie, G., Benjamins, S. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Marine Mammals |
Understanding the Potential for Marine Megafauna Entanglement Risk from Marine Renewable Energy Developments |
Benjamins, S., Harnois, V., Smith, H. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind |
Entanglement |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Using Drifting Passive Echolocation Loggers to Study Harbour Porpoises in Tidal-Stream Habitats |
Wilson, B., Benjamins, S., Elliot, J. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Assessment of the Marine Renewables Industry in Relation to Marine Mammals: Synthesis of Work Undertaken by the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME) |
Murphy, S., Tougaard, J., Wilson, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Marine Renewable Energy and the Environment (MaREE) |
Adams, T., Bainbridge, J., Benjamins, S. |
Research Study |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Changes in Flow, Collision, Habitat Change, Noise |
Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals |