Environmental implications of future offshore renewable energy development in Aotearoa New Zealand |
Hale, R., Thompson, D., Brough, T. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice |
Animal displacement from marine energy development: Mechanisms and consequences |
Hemery, L., Garavelli, L., Copping, A. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement |
No Observed Effects of Subsea Renewable Energy Infrastructure on Benthic Environments |
Smyth, D., Kregting, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Habitat Change |
Physical Environment |
The bigger picture: developing a low-cost graphical user interface to process drone imagery of tidal stream environments |
Slingsby, J., Scott, B., Kregting, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement |
Birds, Seabirds |
Providing a detailed estimate of mortality using a simulation-based collision risk model |
Horne, N., Culloch, R., Schmitt, P. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery to Characterise Pursuit-Diving Seabird Association With Tidal Stream Hydrodynamic Habitat Features |
Slingsby, J., Scott, B., Kregting, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow, Habitat Change |
Birds, Seabirds |
Fast & Flexible: streamlining a simulation- based approach to collision risk assessments |
Horne, N., Schmitt, P., Culloch, R. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Collision risk modelling for tidal energy devices: A flexible simulation-based approach |
Horne, N., Culloch, R., Schmitt, P. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Localised anthropogenic wake generates a predictable foraging hotspot for top predators |
Lieber, L., Nimmo-Smith, W., Waggitt, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction, Changes in Flow |
Birds, Seabirds |
Providing ecological context to anthropogenic subsea noise: Assessing listening space reductions of marine mammals from tidal energy devices |
Pine, M., Schmitt, P., Culloch, R. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
D6.2 Environmental Impact Report of the H2020 project PowerKite |
Kregting, L., Schmitt, P., Lieber, L. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Noise |
Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment |
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite D6.2 - Environmental Impact Report |
Kregting, L., Schmitt, P., Lieber, L. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Ocean Current |
Collision, Habitat Change, Noise |
Fish, Marine Mammals |
Noise characterization of a subsea tidal kite |
Schmitt, P., Pine, M., Culloch, R. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Noise |
Fine-Scale Hydrodynamic Metrics Underlying Predator Occupancy Patterns in Tidal Stream Environments |
Lieber, L., Nimmo-Smith, A., Waggitt, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Using Coupled Hydrodynamic Biogeochemical Models to Predict the Effects of Tidal Turbine Arrays on Phytoplankton Dynamics |
Schuchert, P., Kregting, L., Pritchard, D. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow |
Ecosystem Processes |
A Tool for Simulating Collision Probabilities of Animals with Marine Renewable Energy Devices |
Schmitt, P., Culloch, R., Lieber, L. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Optimising multiple multibeam sonars to assess marine life interactions with an underwater kite |
Lieber, L., Nilsen, T., Zambrano, C. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Ocean Current |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Tidal Turbine-Fish Interaction Pilot Study in the Aquatron Controlled Lab Space |
MacNeill, A., Mahon-Hodgins, L., Eddington, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Attraction, Avoidance, Collision |
Fish |
Do Changes in Current Flow as a Result of Arrays of Tidal Turbines Have an Effect on Benthic Communities? |
Kregting, L., Elsaesser, B., Kennedy, R. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Changes in Flow |
Invertebrates |
Numerical Modelling of Wave Energy Converters: Environmental Impact Assessment |
Kregting, L., Elsäßer, B. |
Book Chapter |
Marine Energy, Wave |
Changes in Flow, Chemicals |
Sediment Transport, Water Quality |
The Modelling of Tidal Turbine Farms using Multi-Scale, Unstructured Mesh Models |
Kramer, S., Piggott, M., Hill, J. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Tidal |