Seals exhibit localised avoidance of operational tidal turbines |
Montabaranom, J., Gillespie, D., Longden, E. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Animal displacement from marine energy development: Mechanisms and consequences |
Hemery, L., Garavelli, L., Copping, A. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement |
Automated Detection and Tracking of Marine Mammals in the Vicinity of Tidal Turbines Using Multibeam Sonar |
Gillespie, D., Hastie, G., Montabaranom, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals |
Underwater Noise of Two Operational Tidal Stream Turbines: A Comparison |
Risch, D., Marmo, B., van Geel, N. |
Book Chapter |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Noise |
Marine Mammal HiCUP: A High Current Underwater Platform for the Long-Term Monitoring of Fine-Scale Marine Mammal Behavior Around Tidal Turbines |
Gillespie, D., Oswald, M., Hastie, G. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Marine Mammals |
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) presence is reduced during tidal turbine operation |
Palmer, L., Gillespie, D., Macaulay, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Collision |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Harbour porpoises exhibit localized evasion of a tidal turbine |
Gillespie, D., Palmer, L., Macaulay, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Collision |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 3: Collision Risk for Animals around Turbines |
Sparling, C., Seitz, A., Masden, E. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals |
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 10: Environmental Monitoring Technologies and Techniques for Detecting Interactions of Marine Animals with Turbines |
Hasselman, D., Barclay, D., Cavagnaro, R. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Review Of Demographic Parameters And Sensitivity Analysis To Inform Inputs And Outputs Of Population Consequences Of Disturbance Assessments For Marine Mammals |
Sinclair, R., Sparling, C., Harwood, J. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Regional baselines for marine mammal knowledge across the North Sea and Atlantic areas of Scottish waters |
Hague, E., Sinclair, R., Sparling, C. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Estimating the effects of pile driving sounds on seals: Pitfalls and possibilities |
Whyte, K., Russell, D., Sparling, C. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Passive acoustic methods for tracking the 3D movements of small cetaceans around marine structures |
Gillespie, D., Palmer, L., Macauley, J. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Automated detection and tracking of marine mammals: A novel sonar tool for monitoring effects of marine industry |
Hastie, G., Wu, G., Moss, S. |
Journal Article |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
Marine Mammals and Tidal Energy: Annual Report to Scottish Government |
Palmer, L., Gillespie, D., Macaulay, J. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Three‐dimensional movements of harbour seals in a tidally energetic channel: Application of a novel sonar tracking system |
Hastie, G., Bivins, M., Coram, A. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
Defining project envelopes for marine energy projects: Review and Tidal energy test facility and marine mammals case study |
Sparling, C., Smith, K. |
Report |
Marine Energy |
Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy |
Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments |
Vanaverbeke, J., Coolen, J., Harrald, M. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
A review of noise abatement systems for offshore wind farm construction noise, and the potential for their application in Scottish waters |
Verfuss, U., Sinclair, R., Sparling, C. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Empirical measures of harbor seal behavior and avoidance of an operational tidal turbine |
Joy, R., Wood, J., Sparling, C. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) around an operational tidal turbine in Strangford Narrows: No barrier effect but small changes in transit behaviour |
Sparling, C., Lonergan, M., McConnell, B. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Avoidance, Displacement |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
First in situ Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals during Operation of a Tidal Turbine in Ramsey Sound, Wales |
Malinka, C., Gillespie, D., Macaulay, J. |
Journal Article |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Marine Mammals |
Marine Mammals and Tidal Energy: Report to Scottish Government |
Hastie, G., Evers, C., Gillespie, D. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Guide to Population Models used in Marine Mammal Impact Assessment |
Sparling, C., Thompson, D., Booth, C. |
Report |
Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Fine-scale harbour seal at-sea usage mapping around Orkney and the North coast of Scotland |
Jones, E., Smout, S., Blight, C. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds |
Scottish Government Demonstration Strategy: Trialling Methods for Tracking the Fine Scale Underwater Movements of Marine Mammals in Areas of Marine Renewable Energy Development |
Sparling, C., Gillespie, D., Hastie, G. |
Report |
Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World |
Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave |
Seal Telemetry Inventory |
Sparling, C. |
Report |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
Harbor Seal - Tidal Turbine Collision Risk Models. An Assessment of Sensitivities. |
Wood, J., Joy, R., Sparling, C. |
Report |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
Refining Estimates of Collision Risk for Harbour Seals and Tidal Turbines |
Band, B., Sparling, C., Thompson, D. |
Report |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Collision |
Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals |
Review of Offshore Wind Farm Impact Monitoring and Mitigation with Regard to Marine Mammals |
Verfuss, U., Sparling, C., Arnot, C. |
Book Chapter |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Marine Mammals |
The use of Acoustic Deterrents for the mitigation of injury to marine mammals during pile driving for offshore wind farm construction |
Sparling, C., Sams, C., Stephenson, S. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Attraction, Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Guidance to Inform Marine Mammal Site Characterisation Requirements at Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Sites in Wales |
Sparling, C., Smith, K., Benjamins, S. |
Report |
Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
MR1 & MR2 Current State of Knowledge of the Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy Generation Devices on Marine Mammals and Research Requirements: Update, September 2014 |
Thompson, D., Hall, A., McConnell, B. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Advancing a Key Consenting Risk for Tidal Energy: The Risk of Marine Mammal Collision for In-Stream Tidal Energy Devices |
Booth, C., Sparling, C., Wood, J. |
Conference Paper |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals |
Resolving Issues with Environmental Impact Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Installations |
Maclean, I., Inger, R., Benson, D. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy |
Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy |
Marine Mammals and Tidal Turbines: Understanding True Collision Risk |
Sparling, C., Lonergan, M., Mackey, B. |
Presentation |
Marine Energy, Tidal |
Collision |
Marine Mammals |
Tracking Technologies for Quantifying Marine Mammal Interactions with Tidal Turbines: Pitfalls and Possibilities |
Hastie, G., Gillespie, D., Gordon, J. |
Book Chapter |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Marine Mammals |
Strangford Lough and the SeaGen Tidal Turbine |
Savidge, G., Ainsworth, D., Bearhop, S. |
Book Chapter |
Tidal, Marine Energy |
Use of Deterrent Devices and Improvements to Standard Mitigation during Piling - Research Summary |
Herschel, A., Stephenson, S., Sparling, C. |
Report |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise, Attraction |
Marine Mammals |