Norro, A.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 10
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Setting EU Threshold Values for impulsive underwater sound Sigray, P., Andersson, M., André, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Ecosystem Processes, Marine Mammals
An echosounder view on the potential effects of impulsive noise pollution on pelagic fish around windfarms in the North Sea Kok, A., Bruil, L., Berges, B. Journal Article Wind Energy Noise Fish, Pelagic Fish
Impulsive noise pollution in the Northeast Atlantic: Reported activity during 2015–2017 Merchant, N., Andersson, M., Box, T. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
MaRVEN - Environmental Impacts of Noise, Vibrations and Electromagnetic Emissions from Marine Renewable Energy Thomsen, F., Gill, A., Kosecka, M. Report Marine Energy Attraction, Avoidance, EMF
Succession and Seasonal Dynamics of the Epifauna Community on Offshore Wind Farm Foundations and their Role as Stepping Stones for Non-Indigenous Species De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Norro, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction Invertebrates
Differentiating Between Underwater Construction Noise of Monopile and Jacket Foundations for Offshore Windmills: A Case Study from the Belgian Part of the North Sea Norro, A., Rumes, B., Degraer, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise
Early Development of the Subtidal Marine Biofouling on a Concrete Offshore Windmill Foundation on the Thornton Bank (Southern North Sea): First Monitoring Results Kerckhof, F., Rumes, B., Jacques, T. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates
Underwater Noise Produced by the Piling Activities During the Construction of the Belwind Offshore Wind Farm (Bligh Bank, Belgian Marine Waters) Norro, A., Haelters, J., Rumes, B. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise
Seasonal variation and vertical zonation of the marine biofouling on a concrete offshore windmill foundation on the Thornton Bank (southern North Sea) Kerckhof, F., Rumes, B., Norro, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates, Physical Environment
Early colonisation of a concrete offshore windmill foundation by marine biofouling on the Thornton Bank (southern North Sea) Kerckhof, F., Norro, A., Jacques, T. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Ecosystem Processes, Invertebrates, Physical Environment