Gill, A.

Name: Andrew Gill
Background: Researcher
Organization: Cefas; PANGALIA Environmental
Department: Energy and Environment
Interest: Fish, benthic ecosystems, EMF, Noise, migratory species
Country: United Kingdom

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 55
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Limited Evidence Base for Determining Impacts (Or Not) of Offshore Wind Energy Developments on Commercial Fisheries Species Gill, A., Bremner, J., Vanstaen, K. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Do electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables effect benthic elasmobranch behaviour? A risk-based approach for the Dutch Continental Shelf Hermans, A., Winter, H., Gill, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF Fish
Improving Understanding of Environmental Effects from Single MRE Devices to Arrays Hasselman, D., Hemery, L., Copping, A. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave Changes in Flow, Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise
‘Scaling up’ our understanding of environmental effects of marine renewable energy development from single devices to large-scale commercial arrays Hasselman, D., Hemery, L., Copping, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Collision, Displacement, EMF, Entanglement, Habitat Change, Noise
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from subsea power cables in the natural marine environment Gill, A., Hutchison, Z., Desender, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind EMF
Forage Fish Species Prefer Habitat within Designated Offshore Wind Energy Areas in the U.S. Northeast Shelf Ecosystem Friedland, K., Adams, E., Goetsch, C. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Fish, Pelagic Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Strategic Monitoring and its Approaches: Setting Out a General Definition and its Application Gregory, S., Lonsdale, J., Mulholland, R. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind
Particle motion observed during offshore wind turbine piling operation Sigray, P., Linne, M., Andersson, M. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise
It Is a Balancing Act: The Interface of Scientific Evidence and Policy in Support of Effective Marine Environmental Management Lonsdale, J., Gill, A., Alliji, K. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy
Electromagnetic Field Impacts on American Eel Movement and Migration from Direct Current Cables Hutchison, Z., Sigray, P., Gill, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF Fish
A modelling evaluation of electromagnetic fields emitted by buried subsea power cables and encountered by marine animals: considerations for marine renewable energy development Hutchison, Z., Gill, A., Sigray, P. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Resource Occurrence and Productivity in Existing and Proposed Wind Energy Lease Areas on the Northeast US Shelf Friedland, K., Methratta, E., Gill, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Fish, Invertebrates
The Interaction Between Resource Species and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Electricity Production by Offshore Wind Farms Hutchison, Z., Secor, D., Gill, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Setting the Context for Offshore Wind Development Effects on Fish and Fisheries Gill, A., Degraer, S., Lipsky, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Changes in Flow, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Stakeholder Engagement
2020 State of the Science Report - Chapter 5: Risk to Animals from Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Electric Cables and Marine Renewable Energy Devices Gill, A., Desender, M. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Benthic effects of offshore renewables: identification of knowledge gaps and urgently needed research Dannheim, J., Bergström, L., Birchenough, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy Invertebrates
Anthropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMF) influence the behaviour of bottom-dwelling marine species Hutchison, Z., Gill, A., Sigray, P. Journal Article EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Social network analysis as a tool for marine spatial planning: Impacts of decommissioning on connectivity in the North Sea Tidbury, H., Taylor, N., van der Molen, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Marine Spatial Planning
Electroreception in marine fishes: chondrichthyans Newton, K., Gill, A., Kajiura, S. Journal Article EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments Vanaverbeke, J., Coolen, J., Harrald, M. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Structuring cumulative effects assessments to support regional and local marine management and planning obligations Willsteed, E., Birchenough, S., Gill, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Legal & Policy
Linking ecosystem services with epibenthic biodiversity change following installation of offshore wind farms Causon, P., Gill, A. Journal Article Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Ecosystem Processes, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data
Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean Fowler, A., Jørgensen, A., Svendsen, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Impacts on Elasmobranch (shark, rays, and skates) and American Lobster Movement and Migration from Direct Current Cables Hutchison, Z., Sigray, P., He, H. Report Marine Energy EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Environmental implications of offshore energy Gill, A., Birchenough, S., Jones, A. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy
Obligations and Aspirations: A Critical Evaluation of Offshore Wind Farm Cumulative Impact Assessments Willsteed, E., Jude, S., Gill, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Physical Environment
Turning Off the DRIP ('Data-Rich, Information-Poor') - Rationalising Monitoring with a Focus on Marine Renewable Energy Developments and the Benthos Wilding, T., Gill, A., Boon, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Invertebrates, Ecosystem Processes
Future Research Directions to Reconcile Wind Turbine - Wildlife Interactions May, R., Gill, A., Köppel, J. Book Chapter Wind Energy
Assessing the Cumulative Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Developments: Establishing Common Ground Willsteed, E., Gill, A., Birchenough, S. Journal Article Marine Energy Physical Environment
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
MaRVEN - Environmental Impacts of Noise, Vibrations and Electromagnetic Emissions from Marine Renewable Energy Thomsen, F., Gill, A., Kosecka, M. Report Marine Energy Attraction, Avoidance, EMF
Offshore Wind Park Monitoring Programmes, Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future Lindeboom, H., Degraer, S., Dannheim, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind
MHK and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Gill, A. Presentation Marine Energy EMF
Marine Renewable Energy, Electromagnetic (EM) Fields and EM-Sensitive Animals Gill, A., Gloyne-Philips, I., Kimber, J. Book Chapter Marine Energy EMF
Elasmobranch Cognitive Ability: Using Electroreceptive Foraging Behaviour to Demonstrate Learning, Habituation and Memory in a Benthic Shark Kimber, J., Sims, D., Bellamy, P. Journal Article EMF Fish
Potential interactions between diadromous fishes of U.K. conservation importance and the electromagnetic fields and subsea noise from marine renewable energy developments Gill, A., Bartlett, M., Thomsen, F. Journal Article Wind Energy Noise Fish
Potential Interactions between Diadromous Fishes of U.K. Conservation Importance and the Electromagnetic Fields and Subsea Noise from Marine Renewable Energy Developments Gill, A., Bartlett, M., Thomsen, F. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF, Noise Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish
Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by High Voltage Alternating Current Offshore Wind Power Cables and Interactions with Marine Organisms Gill, A., Huang, Y., Spencer, J. Workshop Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF
Effects of Pile Driving on the Behavior of Cod and Sole Thomsen, F., Mueller-Blenkle, C., Gill, A. Book Chapter Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Noise Fish, Demersal Fish
Field Scale Experiments to Assess the Effects of Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Organisms Gill, A., Mueller-Blenkle, C., McGregor, P. Presentation Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF, Noise Fish