Gyimesi, A.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 14
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Validation of the bird migration prediction model Kraal, J., Krijgsveld, K., Japink, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds
Bird fluxes, flight and avoidance behaviour of birds in offshore wind farm Luchterduinen Leemans, J., van Bemmelen, R., Middelveld, R. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision Birds, Passerines, Seabirds, Waterfowl
Northern gannet collision risk with wind turbines at the southern North Sea Collier, M., Potiek, A., Hin, V. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds, Seabirds
Cumulative impact assessment of collisions with existing and planned offshore wind turbines in the southern North Sea Potiek, A., Leemans, J., Middelveld, R. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds
Individual-based model lesser black-backed gulls in the Netherlands van Bemmelen, R., Soudijn, F., Benden, D. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds, Seabirds
Ecological impact of decommissioning offshore wind farms Teunis, M., Collier, M., Bakker, E. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Chemicals, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change, Lighting, Noise Bats, Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Validation of a bird radar system: A guidance document Beuker, D., Bravo Rebolledo, E., Gyimesi, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds
Monitoring radar performance data collection and data quality Leemans, J., Gyimesi, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement Birds
Behaviour related flight speeds of Sandwich Terns and their implications for wind farm collision rate modelling and impact assessment Fijn, R., Gyimesi, A. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Seabirds, Birds
Review and analysis of tracking data to delineate flight characteristics and migration routes of birds over the Southern North Sea Gyimesi, A., Evans, T., Linnebjerg, J. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Collision Birds, Passerines, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl
2nd Iteration: Effect of turbine capacity on collision numbers for three large gull species, based on revised density data, when assessing cumulative effects of offshore wind farms on birds in the southern North Sea van der Wal, J., Fijn, R., Gyimesi, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds, Seabirds
Iteration cycle: Dealing with peaks in counts of birds following active fishing vessels when assessing cumulative effects of offshore wind farms and other human activities in the Southern North Sea Leopold, M., Collier, M., Gyimesi, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Seabirds
A first approach to deal with cumulative effects on birds and bats of offshore wind farms and other human activities in the Southern North Sea Leopold, M., Boonman, M., Collier, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Bats, Birds, Seabirds
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms: A First Approach to Deal with Cumulative Effects on Birds and Bats of Offshore Wind Farms and Other Human Activities in the Southern North Sea Leopold, M., Boonman, M., Collier, M. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Birds, Bats