Goyert, H.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 7
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
State of the Science: Compensatory Mitigation and Voluntary Conservation for Birds Goyert, H., Ellis, A., Wilson, D. Presentation Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds
SCRAM 2: Transparent Modeling of Collision Risk for Three Federally Listed Bird Species in Relation to Offshore Wind Energy Development Goyert, H., Adams, A., Gilbert, A. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision Birds
A framework for studying the effects of offshore wind energy development on birds and bats in the Eastern United States Williams, K., Gulka, J., Cook, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Bats, Birds
Surface and subsurface oceanographic features drive forage fish distributions and aggregations: Implications for prey availability to top predators in the US Northeast Shelf ecosystem Goetsch, C., Gulka, J., Friedland, K. Journal Article Fish, Pelagic Fish
Evaluating habitat, prey, and mesopredator associations in a community of marine birds Goyert, H., Gardner, B., Veit, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Marine Energy Seabirds, Birds
Predicting the offshore distribution and abundance of marine birds with a hierarchical community distance sampling model Goyert, H., Gardner, B., Sollmann, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Seabirds, Birds
Pelagic Seabirds off the East Coast of the United States 2008-2013 Veit, R., Goyert, H., White, T. Report Birds, Seabirds