Will future wind power development in Scandinavia have an impact on wolves?
Miltz, C., Eriksen, A., Wikenros, C., Wabakken, P., Sand, H., Zimmermkann, B.
May 2024
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Displacement, Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Assessing the ecological effects of the Lista wind power park on vegetation and cervids
Lebesbye, E.
May 2024
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Physical Environment, Terrestrial Mammals
Occupancy model to unveil wildlife utilization at Yeongyang-gun wind farm management road, Korea
Kim, S-H., Dhakal, T., Yoon, T-G., Cho, K., Kim, J.Y., Kim, T-S. , Lee, D-H. , Jang, G-S.
December 2023
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
How far are birds, bats, and terrestrial mammals displaced from onshore wind power development? – A systematic review
Tolvanen, A., Routavaara, H., Jokikokko, M., Rana, P.
December 2023
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Bats, Birds, Terrestrial Mammals
Effects of Wind Power Development on Reindeer: Global Positioning System Monitoring and Herders’ Experience
Eftestøl, S., Tsegaye, D., Flydal, K., Colman, J.
March 2023
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Wind-energy development alters pronghorn migration at multiple scales
Milliganm M., Johnston, A., Beck, J., Taylor, K., Hall, E., Knox, L., Cufaude, T., Wallace, C., Chong, G., Kauffman, M.
January 2023
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Displacement
Terrestrial Mammals
Spatial co-occurrence between wind power and boreal forestlands with lichen important for reindeer browsing
Lundmark, E.
February 2022
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Displacement, Habitat Change
Physical Environment, Terrestrial Mammals
Responses of birds and mammals to long-established wind farms in India
Kumara, H., Babu, S., Rao, G., Mahato, S., Bhattacharya, M., Rao, N., Tamiliniyan, D., Parengal, H., Deepak, D., Balakrishnan, A., Bilaskar, M.
January 2022
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Terrestrial Mammals
Landscape features associated to wind farms increase mammalian predator abundance and ground-nest predation
Gomez-Catasus, J., Barrero, A., Reverter, M., Bustillo-de la Rosa, D., Pérez-Granados, C., Traba, J.
June 2021
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Terrestrial Mammals
Roe deer stress response to a wind farms: Methodological and practical implications
Klich, D., Lopucki, R., Scibior, A., Golebiowska, D., Wojciechowska, M.
October 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Quantifying biodiversity trade-offs in the face of widespread renewable and unconventional energy development
Popescu, V., Munshaw, R., Shackelford, N., Montesino Pouzols, F., Dubman, E., Gibeau, P., Horne, M., Moilanen, A., Palen, W.
May 2020
Journal Article
Marine Energy, Riverine, Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Fish, Terrestrial Mammals
Migratory Disturbance Thresholds with Mule Deer and Energy Development
Sawyer, H., Lambert, M., Merkle, J.
March 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Pronghorn Winter Resource Selection Before and After Wind Energy Development in South-Central Wyoming
Smith, K., Taylor, K., Albeke, S., Beck, J.
March 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Engineered ecologies: Addressing energy infrastructure impacts on wildlife habitat & movement
Baker, L.
January 2020
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Displacement, Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Green Electricity Corridors in Europe: Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM): Status, roadblocks, and ways forward
Ecofirst, Renewables Grid Initiative
November 2019
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Terrestrial Mammals
U.S. Geological Survey energy and wildlife research annual report for 2019
Khalil, M.
September 2019
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind
Bats, Birds, Fish, Terrestrial Mammals
Rangifer within areas of human influence: understanding effects in relation to spatiotemporal scales
Flydal, K., Tsegaye, D., Eftestøl, S., Colman, J.
January 2019
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Deerfield Wind Black Bear Study: Progress Update, Fall 2018
Comeau, J., Hammond, F.
December 2018
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Out of Sight of Wind Turbine-Reindeer Response to Wind Farms in Operation
Skarin, A., Sandström, P., Alam, M.
October 2018
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Do Black-naped Hares Lepus nigricollis (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae) have synanthropic association with wind farms?
Anoop, V., Arun, P., Jaypal, R.
June 2018
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Windpower and reindeer
Strand, O., Colman, J., Eftestøl, S., Sandström, P., Skarin, A., Thomassen, J.
March 2018
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
The Indirect Impacts of Wind Farms on Terrestrial Mammals: Insights from the Disturbance and Exclusion Effects on Wolves (Canis lupus)
da Costa, G., Paula, J., Petrucci-Fonseca, F., Álvares, F.
January 2018
Book Chapter
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change, Avoidance
Terrestrial Mammals
Living in Habitats Affected by Wind Turbines May Result in an Increase in Corticosterone Levels in Ground Dwelling Animals
Łopucki, R., Klich, D., Scibior, A., Gołębiowska, D., Perzanowski, K.
January 2018
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Leaning Juniper II Wind Power Facility 2017 Washington Ground Squirrel Monitoring
Gerhart, R., Kronner, K.
September 2017
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Mammalian Mesocarnivore Visitation at Tortoise Burrows in a Wind Farm
Agha, M., Smith, A., Lovich, J., Delaney, D., Ennen, J., Briggs, J., Fleckenstein, L., Tennant, L., Puffer, S., Walde, A., Arundel, T., Price, S., Todd, B.
August 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Noise, Avoidance
Terrestrial Mammals, Reptiles
15 years of wolf monitoring plans at wind farm areas in Portugal. What do we know? Where should we go?
da Costa, G., Petrucci-Fonseca, F., Álvares, F.
August 2017
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Do Terrestrial Animals Avoid Areas Close to Turbines in Functioning Wind Farms in Agricultural Landscapes?
Łopucki, R., Klich, D., Gielarek, S.
June 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds, Terrestrial Mammals
Reindeer habitat use in relation to two small wind farms, during preconstruction, construction, and operation
Skarin, A., Alam, M.
June 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Wildlife and Wind Farms - Conflicts and Solutions, Volume 1. Onshore: Potential Effects
Perrow, M.
April 2017
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise
Bats, Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Physical Environment, Invertebrates, Reptiles, Terrestrial Mammals
Framework for strategic wind farm site prioritisation based on modelled wolf reproduction habitat in Croatia
Passoni, G., Rowcliffe, J., Whiteman, A., Huber, D., Kusak, J.
March 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Effects of Wind Turbines on Spatial Distribution of the European Hamster
Łopucki, R., Perzanowski, K.
January 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Impacts of wind power infrastructure development on semi-domesticated reindeer and reindeer husbandry
Skarin, A., Sandström, P., Alam, M., Buhot, Y., Nellemann, C.
July 2016
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Wind turbines cause chronic stress in badgers (Meles meles) in Great Britain
Agnew, R., Smith, V., Fowkes, R.
July 2016
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Environmental Interview: The Effects of Wind Power on Land-Dwelling Mammals
Helldin, J., Skarin, A.
March 2016
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Factors Influencing Winter Mortality Risk for Pronghorn Exposed to Wind Energy Development
Taylor, K., Beck, J., Huzurbazar, S.
March 2016
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Wind farm prioritisation based on potential impacts on wolf habitat in Croatia
Passoni, G.
March 2016
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
An assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms—a study of small mammals
Łopucki, R., Mróz, I.
February 2016
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Wind farm prioritisation based on potential impacts on wolf (Canis lupus) habitat in Croatia
Passoni, G.
September 2015
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Terrestrial Mammals
Deerfield Wind Black Bear Study Update: August, 2015 Interim Report
Comeau, J., Hammond, F.
August 2015
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals
Reindeer and windpower
Skarin, A., Nellemann, C., Sandström, P., Rönnegård, L., Lundqvist, H.
May 2015
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Terrestrial Mammals