Trends in greater sage-grouse lek counts relative to existing wind energy development in Wyoming
Smith, K., LeBeau, C., Hoskovec, L., Beck, J.
June 2024
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Assessing the Use of Long-Term Lek Survey Data to Evaluate the Effect of Landscape Characteristics and Wind Facilities on Sharp Tailed Grouse Lek Dynamics in North Dakota and South Dakota
Shaffer, J., Buhl, D., Newton, W.
December 2023
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Habitat Change
Lesser prairie-chicken habitat selection and survival relative to a wind energy facility located in a fragmented landscape
LeBeau, C., Smith, K., Kosciuch, K.
July 2023
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Prairie grouse and wind energy: The state of the science and implications for risk assessment
Lloyd, J., Aldridge, C., Allison, T., LeBeau, C., McNew, L., Winder, V.
July 2022
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Columbian sharp-tailed grouse brood success and chick survival in a wind-energy landscape
Proett, M., Roberts, S., Messmer, T.
June 2022
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement
Virtual Forum on Prairie Grouse and Wind Energy: 2021 Synthesis
American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI)
October 2021
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Capercaillie and Wind Energy: An international research project
Taubmann, J., Coppes, J., Andrén, H.
June 2021
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Collision, Habitat Change, Noise
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Wind energy facilities affect resource selection of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus
Taubmann, J., Kämmerle, J., Andrén, H., Braunisch, V., Storch, I., Fiedler, W., Suchant, R., Coppes, J.
January 2021
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Displacement, Noise
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Greater Sage‐Grouse Response to the Physical Footprint of Energy Development
Kirol, C., Smith, K., Graf, N., Dinkins, J., LeBeau, C., Maechtle, T., Sutphin, A., Beck, J.
July 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Displacement, Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Wind, sun, and wildlife: do wind and solar energy development "short-circuit" conservation in the western United States?
Agha, M., Lovich, J., Ennen, J., Todd, B.
June 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Consistent effects of wind turbines on habitat selection of capercaillie across Europe
Coppes, J., Kämmerle, J., Grunschachner-Berger, V., Braunisch, V., Bollmann, K., Mollet, P., Suchant, R., Nopp-Mayr, U.
April 2020
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Displacement, Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Behavioral Response of Grouse to Wind Energy Turbines: A Quantitative Review of Survival, Habitat Selection, and Lek Attendance
LeBeau, C., Howlin, S., Tredennick, A., Kosciuch, K.
March 2020
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Persistence and spatial distribution of Black Grouse in east Alpine wind farms: a contribution to the "wind power versus black grouse protection" debate in Austria
Brunner, H., Friedel, T.
September 2019
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
The impact of wind energy facilities on grouse: a systematic review
Coppes, J., Braunisch, V., Bollmann, K., Storch, I., Mollet, P., Grunschachner-Berger, V., Taubmann, J., Suchant, R., Nopp-Mayr, U.
August 2019
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Avoidance, Collision, Displacement
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Columbian sharp‐tailed grouse nesting ecology: wind energy and habitat
Proett, M., Roberts, S., Horne, J., Koons, D., Messmer, T.
May 2019
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Male Greater Prairie-Chickens Adjust their Vocalizations in the Presence of Wind Turbine Noise
Whalen, C., Brown, M., McGee, J., Powell, L., Walsh, E.
February 2018
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds
Greater Sage-Grouse: Overview and Effects of Wind Energy Development
National Wind Coordinating Collaborative
September 2017
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Predation risk: a potential mechanism for effects of a wind energy facility on Greater Prairie-Chicken survival
Smith, J., Brown, M., Harrison, J., Powell, L.
June 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Modeling the spatial effects of disturbance: a constructive critique to provide evidence of ecological thresholds
Powell, L., Brown, M., Smith, A., Harrison, J., Whalen, C.
June 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
The Influence of Wind Energy Development on Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) Breeding Season Ecology in Eastern Idaho
Proett, M.
May 2017
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection, Survival, and Wind Energy Infrastructure
LeBeau, C., Johnson, G., Holloran, M., Beck, J., Nielson, R., Kauffman, M., Rodemaker, E., McDonald, T.
April 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds
Greater sage‐grouse male lek counts relative to a wind energy development
LeBeau, C., Beck, J., Johnson, G., Nielson, R., Holloran, M., Gerow, K., McDonald, T.
March 2017
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds
Indirect Effects of an Existing Wind Energy Facility on Lekking Behavior of Greater Prairie-Chickens
Smith, J., Whalen, C., Brown, M., Powell, L., Ebensperger, L.
March 2016
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Effects of a Wind Energy Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection and Population Demographics in Southeastern Wyoming
LeBeau, C., Johnson, G., Holloran, M., Beck, J., Nielson, R., Kauffman, M., Rodemaker, E., McDonald, T.
January 2016
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds
Post-Construction Avian and Bat Fatality at the Horse Butte Wind Facility, Years 1–3
SWCA Environmental Consultants
November 2015
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Bats, Birds
Sage grouse war tests limits of partnership in West
Lavelle, M.
June 2015
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Legal & Policy
Responses of Male Greater Prairie-Chickens to Wind Energy Development
Winder, V., Gregory, A., McNew, L., Sandercock, B.
May 2015
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Recommendations for distances of wind turbines to important areas for birds as well as breeding sites of selected bird species
Working Group of German State Bird Conservancies
April 2015
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Analysis of the Overlap between Priority Greater Sage-Grouse Habitats and Existing and Potential Energy Development Across the West: Final Report
LeBeau, C., Fruhwirth, J., Boehrs, J.
October 2014
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Evidence of Negative Effects of Anthropogenic Structures on Wildlife: A Review of Grouse Survival and Behaviour
Hovick, T., Elmore, R., Dahlgren, D., Fuhlendorf, S., Engle, D.
October 2014
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Short-Term Impacts of Wind Energy Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Fitness
LeBeau, C., Beck, J., Johnson, G., Holloran, M.
April 2014
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Effects of Wind Energy Development on Nesting Ecology of Greater Prairie-Chickens in Fragmented Grasslands
McNew, L., Hunt, L., Gregory, A., Wisely, S., Sandercock, B.
March 2014
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Upland Land use Predicts Population Decline in a Globally Near-Threatened Wader
Douglas, D., Bellamy, P., Stephen, L., Pearce-Higgins, J., Wilson, J., Grant, M.
February 2014
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Space use by Female Greater Prairie-Chickens in Response to Wind Energy Development
Winder, V., NcNew, L., Gregory, A., Hunt, L., Wisely, S., Sandercock, B.
January 2014
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Effects of Wind Energy Development on Survival of Female Greater Prairie-Chickens
Winder, V., NcNew, L., Gregory, A., Hunt, L., Wisely, S., Sandercock, B.
December 2013
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Evaluating Greater Sage-Grouse Seasonal Space Use Relative to Leks: Implications for Surface Use Designations in Sagebrush Ecosystems
Coates, P., Casazza, M., Blomberg, E., Gardner, S., Espinosa, S., Yee, J., Wiechman, L., Halstead, B.
October 2013
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Fågelundersökningar vid Storruns vindkraftanläggning, Jämtland (Bird surveys at Storrun's wind farm, Jämtland)
Falkdalen, U., Lindahl, L., Nygård, T.
August 2013
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
Measuring the Effectiveness of Conservation: A Novel Framework to Quantify the Benefits of Sage-Grouse Conservation Policy and Easements in Wyoming
Copeland, H., Pocewicz, A., Naugle, D., Griffiths, T., Keinath, D., Evans, J., Platt, J.
June 2013
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Habitat Change
Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds
50 CFR Part 17: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for Gunnison Sage-Grouse; Proposed Rule
Gelat, P.
January 2013
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind
Experimental Chronic Noise Is Related to Elevated Fecal Corticosteroid Metabolites in Lekking Male Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus)
Blickley, J., Word, K., Krakauer, A., Phillips, J., Sells, S., Taff, C., Wingfield, J., Patricelli, G.
November 2012
Journal Article
Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind