A remote camera to document wildlife movement at or near the existing Searsburg Wind Facility was installed and operated during the month of October, 2005 at the request of the Black Bear Sub-Group of the Green Mountain National Forest Deerfield Wind Project. Since fourteen wildlife events were documented, the decision was made to reinstall the camera at the same location for the 2006 season (April-November).
Each photo frame is time- and date-stamped for correlation to operating records of Wind Turbine 7 (WT7) at the existing SearsburgProject. The attached table provides the date, time, species photographed, and operating status of WT7. When the wind turbine is not generating, the blades are often left to spin as if in generation mode, consequently, the rpm of the blades is provided for generating and non-generating periods. A series of photos documenting each species (except the songbirds) is also attached. Date and time from the photo can be matched to the table.
An old logging road which crosses in the saddle of the Searsburg Wind Facility access road has been considered an active game trail since the project was built in the mid 1990's. The same camera location on this trail 40m southeast of the north access road and 80 m south of WT7 was used throughout the period. The turbine blades of WT7 are visible from the camera location even with the foliage in place, and the access road can be seen in the daylight photos.