In this report, we examine the potential impacts of offshore wind on birds and how these impacts can be effectively addressed to protect birds and the ecosystems they need. We provide an overview of the permitting process and the pertinent state and federal laws. The report includes Audubon’s policy priorities and recommendations that will help ensure that the needs of birds and people are considered. Throughout the report, we illustrate how Audubon’s work has supported the responsible siting and operation of offshore wind, and we identify opportunities for individuals, Audubon chapters, and state and regional offices to contribute positively to the debate on offshore wind development. We hope this report equips the reader with the knowledge to support responsible offshore wind development. With the strength of the Audubon network, we can advocate for bird-safe solutions and ensure that community engagement is a priority as we move toward a sustainable future.
While offshore wind energy is a key solution on the path towards a stabilized climate, we recognize that there are potential risks to birds that need to be considered. The report examines the risk of bird collisions with wind turbines, the loss of habitat if birds are displaced from feeding areas or must fly around project areas, and the potential for development to alter ocean ecosystems that provide food for birds. To date, the relatively small number of offshore wind projects in U.S. waters means that we have limited data about the impacts off our own coasts. Fortunately, there is a rapidly growing body of knowledge from the many offshore wind projects in Europe where there is a longer history of operation and monitoring. This information paired with initial surveys of seabird distribution and behavior in the U.S. provide a starting point for understanding and proactively addressing the impacts of offshore wind development.
Responsible wind energy development addresses the potential risks that development poses to birds by employing a four-element mitigation hierarchy. The overarching goal of the mitigation hierarchy is to ensure a project has no net impact; in other words, preventing a decrease in the number of seabirds or even promoting an increase. First, planners should avoid critical areas for the most vulnerable species during siting. Second, minimizing measures should be employed if avoidance does not entirely eliminate risks. For example, developers (and operators) may be able to minimize risks by altering structures so birds are not attracted to turbines or by temporarily changing operations during periods when larger numbers of birds fly through the area. Third, we must offset unavoidable impacts to birds by improving conditions at nesting colonies or taking other conservation actions. Finally, it is critical that monitoring is conducted before and after projects are constructed in order to quantify impacts and evaluate the degree to which mitigation efforts have indeed attained the desired outcomes. Assessing the impacts of wind projects on birds will require monitoring in real time how birds interact with wind projects. This will include monitoring birds in and around wind projects with radar, aerial surveys, recordings of bird vocalizations, and tags that track their movement.
A sophisticated planning and permitting process is already in place for offshore wind. Offshore wind energy development is governed by a multi-layered regulatory framework involving federal and state agencies, Tribal Nations, and industry and non-profit organizations that represent economic and environmental values of the ocean. This process includes several stages of extensive environmental review and public consultation that are designed to assess and mitigate potential impacts on wildlife, including birds. Throughout this process, Audubon staff and local chapters advocate for bird protections by contributing scientific data, engaging in policy discussions, and informing best practices to ensure that environmental impacts are minimized and conservation measures are incorporated.
Summary and Recommendations for Policymakers
Appendix A: Mapping Audubon offshore wind engagement areas
Appendix B: The regulatory and permitting process for offshore wind projects