Quillienn, N.

Name: Nolwenn Quillien
Background: Researcher
Organization: France Énergies Marines
Department: Environmental and socio-economic impacts of MREs
Interest: Biofouling, long-term effects, ecosystemic approaches, food webs, community structure
Country: France

About Me:

Marine biologist working at France Energies Marines (FEM), with main interests in measuring the effects of human activities on the structure and the functioning of marine ecosystems, and conversely, in studying the influence of living communities (especially biofouling) on the functioning of human structures at sea, such as MREs.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Development of a collision impact indicator to integrate in the life cycle assessment of offshore wind farms Baulaz, Y., Araignous, E., Pérez-López, P. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Birds, Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment
Automatic classification of biofouling images from offshore renewable energy structures using deep learning Signor, J., Schoefs, F., Quillienn, N. Journal Article Attraction Invertebrates
Impact of hydrodynamics on community structure and metabolic production of marine biofouling formed in a highly energetic estuary Portas, A., Carriot, N., Ortalo-Magne, A. Journal Article Attraction Invertebrates
What are the potential effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by offshore wind farm power cables on marine organisms? Henry, S., Carlier, A., Chauvaud, S. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Eukaryotic diversity of marine biofouling from coastal to offshore areas Portas, A., Quillienn, N., Culioli, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Chemicals Invertebrates
Characterisation of the Potential Impacts of Subsea Power Cables Associated with Offshore Renewable Energy Projects Taormina, B., Quillienn, N., Lejart, M. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF, Habitat Change Physical Environment, Fish, Invertebrates
Succession in epibenthic communities on artificial reefs associated with marine renewable energy facilities within a tide-swept environment Taormina, B., Percheron, A., Marzloff, M. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Attraction, Habitat Change Fish, Invertebrates
Initial Environmental Report for the ELEMENT Project Gaborieau, H., Thiébaut, M., Quillienn, N. Report Marine Energy, Tidal Collision, Habitat Change, Noise Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Does the colonisation of offshore renewable energy farms facilitate the introduction and spread of non-indigenous species? Nexer, M., Ben Rais Lasram, F., Bourgougnon, N. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, Habitat Change Fish, Invertebrates
Bibliographical Atlas of Biofouling Along the French Coasts in the Context of Offshore Renewable Energy Quillienn, N., Lejart, M., Damblans, G. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Habitat Change Invertebrates
Towards improving biofouling information within MRE environments Quillienn, N., Cayocca, K., Damblans, G. Presentation Marine Energy