Pearce-Higgins, J.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 17
Title Author Date Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Cumulative barriers to renewable energy development: Can we adjust our perspective and approach to benefit biodiversity? Cook, E., Masden, E., Humphreys, E. Journal Article Wind Energy Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Environmental Impact Assessment
Better utilisation and transparency of bird data collected by powerline companies Kettel, E., Thaxter, C., Oppel, S. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, EMF, Habitat Change Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Drivers of change in mountain and upland bird populations in Europe Alba, R., Kasoar, T., Chamberlain, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision, Habitat Change Birds, Raptors, Waterfowl
Better utilisation and transparency of bird data collected by TSOs Kettel, E., Thaxter, C., Oppel, S. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Bird and Bat Species' Global Vulnerability to Collision Mortality at Wind Farms Revealed Through a Trait-Based Assessment Thaxter, C., Buchanan, G., Carr, J. Journal Article Wind Energy Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement Bats, Birds
Negative Impact of Wind Energy Development on a Breeding Shorebird Assessed with a BACI Study Design Sansom, A., Pearce-Higgins, J., Douglas, D. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Avoidance Shorebirds, Birds
Estimates and Correlates of Bird and Bat Mortality at Small Wind Turbine Sites Minderman, J., Fuentes-Montemayor, E., Pearce-Higgins, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Bats, Birds
Upland Land use Predicts Population Decline in a Globally Near-Threatened Wader Douglas, D., Bellamy, P., Stephen, L. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
Modelled Sensitivity of Avian Collision Rate at Wind Turbines Varies with Number of Hours of Flight Activity Input Data Douglas, D., Follestad, A., Langston, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Collision Birds
Experimental Evidence for the Effect of Small Wind Turbine Proximity and Operation on Bird and Bat Activity Miderman, J., Pendlebury, C., Pearce-Higgins, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Greater impacts of wind farms on bird populations during construction than subsequent operation: results of a multi-site and multi-species analysis Pearce-Higgins, J., Stephen, L., Douse, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Displacement, Collision, Avoidance Birds
Changes in the Abundance and Distribution of Upland Breeding Birds at an Operational Wind Farm Douglas, D., Bellamy, P., Pearce-Higgins, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Displacement Shorebirds, Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds
The Distribution of Breeding Birds around Upland Wind Farms Pearce-Higgins, J., Stephen, L., Langston, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change, Avoidance Birds
Spatial Overlap of Wind Farms on Peatland with Sensitive Areas for Birds Bright, J., Langston, R., Pearce-Higgins, J. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Habitat Change Birds
Map of Bird Sensitivities to Wind Farms in Scotland: A Tool to Aid Planning and Conservation Bright, J., Langston, R., Bullman, R. Journal Article Wind Energy Collision Birds
Assessing the Cumulative Impacts of Wind Farms on Peatland Birds: A Case Study of Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria in Scotland Pearce-Higgins, J., Stephen, L., Langston, R. Journal Article Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds, Shorebirds
Bird Sensitivity Map to Provide Locational Guidance for Onshore Wind Farms in Scotland Bright, J., Langston, R., Bullman, R. Report Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind Birds