Howell, J.
Howell, J.
Name: Judd A Howell
Background: Consultant
Organization: HT Harvey & Associates
Department: Wildlife
Interest: Renewable Energy and Wildlife
Country: United States of America
About Me:
- Plays a key role as Senior Associate Wildlife Ecologist at H. T. Harvey & Associates in developing a scientific program of environmental assessment of alternative energy development in the United States. With global warming of paramount importance to our society and nation, alternative energy sources are keys to reducing greenhouse gases and our dependence on fossil fuels.
- Added expertise as Wind Energy Team Leader to ongoing wind energy projects at H. T. Harvey & Associates:
- Examination of the effects of a wind energy development on marbled murrelets on the North coast of California
- Investigating the effects on California condors near the Central coast.
- Led a 2-year study funded by the California Energy Commission to examine detection methodologies for bats and nocturnal migrating birds.
- Extensive experience conducting Bald and Golden Eagle surveys in Wyoming and Nebraska
- Extensive experience studying primarily raptors at wind energy facilities.
- Establishing the first west coast raptor migration study and long term observatory.
Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents
Total results: 6