Ultrasonic Deterrents To Reduce Bat Mortality at Wind Turbines—Short Science Summary
In North America, several bat species commonly collide with operating turbines. Although the ultimate cause of collisions is unknown, studies suggest bats may be attracted to turbines because they often approach turbine structures and spend extended periods of time (seconds to minutes) near them. To reduce bat mortality at wind farms, operators seek to reduce the amount of time bats spend near spinning turbine blades (known as exposure). Current approaches to reduce exposure include both curtailment, in which turbine operators stop turbine rotors from spinning during periods when bats are expected to be at the highest risk of collision, and deterrent technologies that seek to discourage bats from entering the rotor-swept area or at least limit the amount of time spent there.
The use of ultrasonic deterrent devices that emit one or more high-frequency sounds has been the most tested technique. The idea behind using ultrasound as a deterrent is it disrupts the ability of bats to effectively echolocate (sometimes referred to as signal jamming). According to this idea, introducing ultrasonic noise in the environment in the same frequency ranges that bats use to echolocate makes it difficult for bats to reliably interpret their own ultrasonic vocalizations. Bats are expected to vacate environments where echolocation is required but becomes unreliable. To test this hypothesis, researchers have investigated the behavioral responses of bats in laboratory (Spanjer 2006) and natural settings (Szewczak and Arnett 2007; Gilmour et al. 2020; Fritts et al. 2024).
In one of the earliest studies on the topic, Szewczak and Arnett (2007) used ultrasonic deterrents at a natural pond that bats frequented for drinking and foraging. Szewczak and Arnett demonstrated that ultrasonic deterrents greatly reduced the overall bat activity rates within a distance of approximately 20 meters (m). Despite relatively consistent results using ultrasound deterrents in natural settings (Szewczak and Arnett 2007; Gilmour et al. 2020) and as a tool to discourage bats (at least temporarily) from approaching buildings and bridges (Zeale et al. 2016; Aldemir Bektas et al. 2022), researchers’ ability to reduce bat mortality rates around wind turbines has been inconsistent (Table 1). For example, Weaver et al. (2020) found that ultrasonic deterrents reduced hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and Brazilian free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) fatalities but found no difference in the number of northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) carcasses between turbines with and without ultrasonic deterrents. Despite overall reductions in bat fatalities, several studies reported increased fatalities when considering species-specific effects.
Voigt, C., Bernard, E., Huang, J., Frick, W., Kerbiriou, C., MacEwan, K., Mathews, F., Rodríguez-Durán, A., Scholz, C., Webala, P., Welbergen, J., Whitby, M.