Electromagnetic Field Effects on Marine Life


The table below contains the relevant literature to this summary.

Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
The Effects of Anthropogenic Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on the Early Development of Two Commercially Important Crustaceans, European Lobster, Homarus gammarus (L.) and Edible Crab, Cancer pagurus (L.) Harsanyi, P., Scott, K., Easton, B., Ortiz, G., Chapman, E., Piper, A., Rochas, C., Lyndon, A. Journal Article EMF Invertebrates
South Fork Wind Farm and South Fork Export Cable Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Report Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Social & Economic Data
A modelling evaluation of electromagnetic fields emitted by buried subsea power cables and encountered by marine animals: considerations for marine renewable energy development Hutchison, Z., Gill, A., Sigray, P., He, H., King, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Similar circling movements observed across marine megafauna taxa Narazaki, T., Nakamura, I., Aoki, K., Iwata, T., Shiomi, K., Luschi, P., Suganuma, H., Meyer, C., Matsumoto, R., Bost, C., Handrich, Y., Amano, M., Okamoto, R., Mori, K., Ciccione, S., Bourjea, J., Sato, K. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Reptiles
Vineyard Wind 1 Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
The Interaction Between Resource Species and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Electricity Production by Offshore Wind Farms Hutchison, Z., Secor, D., Gill, A. Journal Article Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Anthropogenic electromagnetic fields (EMF) influence the behaviour of bottom-dwelling marine species Hutchison, Z., Gill, A., Sigray, P., He, H., King, J. Journal Article EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Impact of magnetic fields generated by AC/DC submarine power cables on the behavior of juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus) Taormina, B., Di Poi, C., Agnalt, A., Carlier, A., Desroy, N., Escobar-Lux, R., D'eu, J., Freytet, F., Durif, C. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy EMF Invertebrates, Legal & Policy
A sense of place: pink salmon use a magnetic map for orientation Putman, N., Williams, C., Gallagher, E., Dittman, A. Journal Article Marine Energy Displacement, EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Evaluation of Potential EMF Effects on Fish Species of Commercial or Recreational Fishing Importance in Southern New England Snyder, D., Bailey, W., Palmquist, K., Cotts, B., Olsen, K. Report Marine Energy Attraction, Avoidance, EMF Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Fisheries
Magnetoreception in fish Formicki, K., Korzelecka-Orkisz, A., Tański, A. Journal Article EMF Fish
Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of 50 Hz 1 mT electromagnetic field on larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Baltic clam (Limecola balthica) and common ragworm (Hediste diversicolor) Stankevičiūtė, M., Jakubowska, M., Pažusienė, J., Makaras, T. , Otremba, Z., Urban-Malinga, B., Fey, D., Greszkiewicz, M., Sauliutė, G., Baršienė, J., Andrulewicz, E. Journal Article EMF Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates
Effect of static magnetic field on the hatching success, growth, mortality, and yolk-sac absorption of larval Northern pike Esox lucius Fey, D., Greszkiewicz, M., Otremba, Z., Andrulewicz, E. Journal Article EMF Fish
XLPE Submarine Cable Systems: Attachment to XLPE land cable systems user’s guide ABB Guidance Marine Energy EMF
A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment: Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions Taormina, B., Bald, J., Want, A., Thouzeau, G., Lejart, M., Desroy, N., Carlier, A. Journal Article Habitat Change
Behavioral responses by migrating juvenile salmonids to a subsea high-voltage DC power cable Wyman, M., Klimley, A., Battleson, R., Agosta, T., Chapman, E., Haverkamp, P., Pagel, M., Kavet, R. Journal Article EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Understanding the effects of electromagnetic field emissions from Marine Renewable Energy Devices (MREDs) on the commercially important edible crab, Cancer pagurus (L.) Scott, K., Harsanyi, P., Lyndon, A. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Invertebrates
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Impacts on Elasmobranch (shark, rays, and skates) and American Lobster Movement and Migration from Direct Current Cables Hutchison, Z., Sigray, P., He, H., Gill, A., King, J., Gibson, C. Report Marine Energy EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Geomagnetic field influences upward movement of young Chinook salmon emerging from nests Putman, N., Scanlan, M., Pollock, A., O'Neil, J., Couture, R., Stoner, J., Quinn, T., Lohmann, K., Noakes, D. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Chinook salmon and green sturgeon migrate through San Francisco Estuary despite large distortions in the local magnetic field produced by bridges Klimley, A., Wyman, M., Kavet, R. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish
Magnetic field discrimination, learning, and memory in the yellow stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis) Newton, K., Kajiura, S. Journal Article EMF Fish
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L., Whiting, J., Zydlewski, G., Staines, G., Gill, A., Hutchison, I., O'Hagan, A., Simas, T., Bald, J., Sparling, C., Wood, J., Masden, E. Report Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave
Effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on growth, total antioxidant activity and morphology of the intestine in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Nofouzi, K., Sheikhzadeh, N., Jassur, D., Helan, J., Shahbazfar, A., Tukmechi, A., Naghshara, H., Baradaran, B., Mahmoudi, R. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Renewable Energy in situ Power Cable Observation Love, M., Nishimoto, M., Clark, S., Bull, A. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Attraction, EMF Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish, Invertebrates
The potential impacts of submarine power cables on benthic elasmobranchs Orr, M. Thesis Marine Energy, Wind Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
MaRVEN - Environmental Impacts of Noise, Vibrations and Electromagnetic Emissions from Marine Renewable Energy Thomsen, F., Gill, A., Kosecka, M., Andersson, M., André, M., Degraer, S., Folegot, T., Gabriel, J., Judd, A., Neumann, T., Norro, A., Risch, D., Sigray, P., Wood, D., Wilson, B. Report Marine Energy Attraction, Avoidance, EMF
Identical Response of Caged Rock Crabs (Genera Metacarcinus and Cancer) to Energized and Unenergized Undersea Power Cables in Southern California, USA Love, M., Nishimoto, M., Clark, S., Bull, A. Journal Article EMF Invertebrates
Magnetic navigation behavior and the oceanic ecology of young loggerhead sea turtles Putman, N., Verley, P., Endres, E., Lohmann, K. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Reptiles
Rearing in a Distorted Magnetic Field Disrupts the 'Map Sense' of Juvenile Steelhead Trout Putman, N., Meinke, A., Noakes, D. Journal Article EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Bioelectric Fields of Marine Organisms: Voltage and Frequency Contributions to Detectability by Electroreceptive Predators Bedore, C., Kajiura, S. Journal Article EMF Fish, Invertebrates
Evidence for Geomagnetic Imprinting as a Homing Mechanism in Pacific Salmon Putman, N., Lohmann, K., Putman, E., Quinn, T., Klimley, A., Noakes, D. Journal Article EMF Fish, Pelagic Fish
Survival of the Stillest: Predator Avoidance in Shark Embryos Kempster, R., Hart, N., Collin, S. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wind Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Block Island Wind Farm and Block Island Transmission System Environmental Report/Construction and Operations Plan Tetra Tech Inc. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment
Effects of EMFs from Undersea Power Cables on Elasmobranchs and other Marine Species Normandeau Associates Inc, Exponent Inc., Tricas, T., Gill, A. Report EMF Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Economic comparison of VSC HVDC and HVAC as transmission system for a 300 MW offshore wind farm Eeckhout,B., Hertem, D., Reza, M., Srivastava, K., Belmans, R. Journal Article Wind Energy EMF
COWRIE 2.0 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Phase 2: EMF Sensitive Fish Response to EM Emissions from Sub-sea Electricity Cables of the Type used by the Offshore Renewable Energy Industry Gill, A., Huang, Y., Gloyne-Philips, I., Metcalfe, J., Quayle, V., Spencer, J., Wearmouth, V. Report Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind EMF Fish
True Navigation and Magnetic Maps in Spiny Lobsters Boles, L., Lohmann, K. Journal Article EMF Invertebrates
Response properties and biological function of the skate electrosensory system during ontogeny Sisneros, J., Tricas, T., Luer, C. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Sensitivity and Response Dynamics of Elasmobranch Electrosensory Primary Afferent Neurons to Near Threshold Fields Tricas, T., New, J. Journal Article EMF Fish, Demersal Fish
Detection of magnetic field intensity by sea turtles Lohmann, C., Lohmann, K. Journal Article Marine Energy EMF Reptiles