Wind energy developments have the potential to cause harm to bird species through direct habitat loss or damage, disturbance and displacement of species from feeding, nesting and migration and direct collision with turbines.
This document focuses on several important bird species that are vulnerable to the effects of on shore wind energy developments and highlights the main areas in which they are found in Cumbria in four bird sensitivity maps. These have been developed to trigger detailed consultations between developers, local authorities, statutory agencies and other agencies. The document helps to highlight areas where detailed ecological survey work will be necessary, on a site-by-site basis, to determine whether or not a site could be appropriate for wind energy development.
Wind energy developers need to determine whether or not there would be a likely significant effect, alone or cumulatively with other developments, to the species identified (and any other relevant species not identified in this document) in accordance with the Habitats Regulations Assessment.
This document forms part of the biodiversity evidence base for Cumbria's Local Development Frameworks and the Cumbria Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document.
It is NOT intended that this document in any way negates the need to carry out thorough ecological surveys on a site-by-site basis, following the best available guidance and consultation with the relevant nature conservation organisations.