This report sets out the findings of a review of community engagement for wind farm developments. We focus in particular on the engagement carried out by developers with communities. The aims of the study were to evaluate current good practice for engaging people in decision making about on- and offshore wind farms in different European countries; to evaluate the effect that different practices have on public opinion and acceptance; and to make relevant recommendations for Scottish policy and planning.
The structure of the report is as follows. First, we briefly outline the methods used, and then provide an overview of the different planning regimes – focusing on the opportunities, timing and procedures for public engagement – in each of the case study countries. This overview is summarised in table form on page 8. We then identify and discuss some case studies in each of these countries which highlight points of particular interest, and we analyse these in terms of the volume, timing, and thoroughness of the public engagement that they permit, and the effect that this has. We then discuss trends in good practice in community engagement for wind farms, and the particular implications and recommendations for Scotland.