The Australian Wind Energy Association (AusWEA) is implementing the Wind Industry Development Project, funded by the Australian Greenhouse Office of the Australian Government. One of the outputs of this project is a framework; for investigating the impacts of wind energy projects on birds. This comprises protocols and data set and reporting standards for investigations to estimate and monitor the impacts of wind energy developments on birds in Australia.
In February 2004, a preliminary issues paper was circulated that reviewed approaches to assessing the impacts of wind energy developments on birds in Australia and overseas. This paper formed the basis for a workshop, held in Melbourne in June 2004, which developed an outline for and explored the possible content of the protocol and data set and reporting standards. A draft set of protocols and data set and reporting standards was then prepared and circulated for comment to a range of stakeholders (see Acknowledgments). Additional refinement of a draft was undertaken at a further workshop in; Hobart in July 2005 and this set of interim standards is the result.