The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (the Act) sets out the statutory basis for a new plan-led system for marine activities throughout the UK. Welsh Ministers are the Planning Authority for the Welsh inshore and the Welsh offshore areas.
The key purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the way in which the Welsh Assembly Government intends developing marine planning in Wales in line with its powers and responsibilities under the Marine & Coastal Act 2009 (the Act).
This consultation sets out our intention to develop a national plan for the Welsh inshore area and a national plan for the Welsh offshore area and adopt them by 2012/13. The consultation also sets out options for, and asks questions on, how we should plan on a sub-national level in order to embed more detail in the national plans.
In summary this consultation seeks to
- map key existing and planned eco nomic, environmental and social features, resources and activities in Welsh seas and establish the need to take them all into account in developing marine plans
- set out our overall vision for achieving sustainable development in Welsh seas
- emphasise our commitment to make marine and terrestrial planning as joined up as possible and seek views on the challenges to achievement
- provide the background to marine planning in Wales
- explain the relationship between the UK Marine Policy Statement and Welsh marine plans
- set out the constitutional and admin istrative arrangements that will apply
- propose national plans and approac hes to sub-national planning
- outline the cross-border planning relationships
- commit to full public engagement and consultation and set out the key principles we will follow to achieve this
- outline next steps