Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, recommended an impact assessment study in view of the potential adverse impacts of windmill projects on terrestrial species of wildlife resulting from alternation and damage to habitats. In accordance with the broad terms of reference set by the Ministry, the present Herpatofaunal study was carried out in the proposed area of Windmill project and subsequently listed 30 reptile species belonging to 11 families. Varanus bengalensis and Python molurus Linnaeus, 1758 are the two reptile fauna belonging to SCHEDULE-I species of INDIAN WILDLIFE (PROTECTION) ACT, 1972. Totally one year were spent in assessing the distribution of herpetofauna. Visual Encounter Survey Method was followed for the collection of data. IUCN status of Recorded Herpatofauna are mostly Lower Risk least Concern least concern (LR-lc). In this study only the density of identified species was specified and calculated based on the average percentage of sightings representing abundant (70 to 100%), common (50 to 70%), frequent (20 to 50%) and rare (0 to 20%). Anthropogenic activities like Forest fires, killing, hunting, and biotic stress like grazing and browsing are the major threats to the proposed wind power project in the Reserve forest area (East and West) of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh.