The Rampion Offshore Windfarm (ROWF) requires pre-construction geotechnical survey work to be undertaken within the offshore site, and along the Export Cable (EC) route.
The aim of the shallow geotechnical investigation is to provide additional information at specific areas in order to enable final route engineering and to investigate proposed construction jack-up vessel positions on selected turbine locations and at the OSS.
The original scope of works consisted of 8 VC and 33 CPTU locations, however in various stages a further 5 CPTU’s and 1 VC were added, followed by an additional 12 CPTU’s, resulting in totals of 9 VC’s and 50 CPTU’s. The survey vessels were instructed to demobilise before completion of the full programme, so this report details the result for 7 VC and 43 CPTU locations. The final sampling locations are shown in Figures 1-3 below; these location charts are also included in larger A3 format in Appendix A (CPTU) and Appendix F (VC).
VC locations fall along the two EC routes; five of the locations are at the shallow end of the EC route two are at the offshore end of the EC corridor. Some CPTU locations on the EC are co-located with the VC’s (e.g. VC2 at Location 3 and CPT3) while others were sited at other points of interest.
Offshore CPT locations are focussed around a selection of planned wind turbine generator (WTG) locations and the OSS site.