The National Avian Wind Power Planning Meeting took place at the Carmel Mission Inn in Carmel, California on May 16-17, 2000. The meeting was the fourth in a series that the Avian Subcommittee of the National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC) has convened as part of the Subcommittee’s efforts to address and build consensus on issues of public policy, scientific research, and stakeholder/public involvement related to avian/wind power interactions. Participants in the meeting included representatives of industry, academia, conservation interests, federal and state government agencies, and other interested parties.
The purpose of the meeting was to
- share research results and update research conducted on avian wind interactions
- identify questions and issues related to the research results
- develop conclusions about some avian/wind power issues, and
- identify questions and issues for future avian research.
The meeting consisted of a series of presentations and discussion regarding research related to interactions between birds and wind turbines in the following topic areas:
- Site Studies
- Avian Visual Studies
- Mortality Reduction, Impact Avoidance, and Deterrent Considerations
- Other Research Topics.