In accordance with Rule 11.1 of the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) Rules of Practice and Procedure, the California Energy Commission (“CEC”) submits this Motion for Approval of the Electric Program Investment Charge (“EPIC”) Interim Investment Plan (“Motion”). The CEC files this Motion in response to the Commission’s Decision Renewing the Electric Program Investment Charge (“Phase 1 Decision”) in Rulemaking 19-10-005.
The CEC appreciates the opportunity to file this Motion to enable the CEC to continue fostering important technology research to support the state’s clean energy goals and priorities while the first five-year investment plan for the renewed EPIC Program is developed in 2021. The CEC looks forward to continuing its work with the Commission and stakeholders to implement the renewed EPIC Program, build on the program’s success in shaping California’s clean energy system, and enable the state to more effectively and efficiently meet its energy policy goals and mandates.