Offshore wind farms potentially have an effect on the benthic ecosystem. Given the plans for large-scale development of offshore wind farms on the Dutch Continental Shelf (DCS), understanding these effects is relevant for policy and regulations regarding these developments. Because studying the effects of offshore wind farms on the benthic ecosystem is expensive and time-consuming, it is important to use all knowledge which is already available before deciding if and what additional research is necessary. To facilitate the uptake of all available knowledge in Dutch policy and management decisions, we reviewed the research conducted to study benthic effects of offshore wind farms in the North Sea (and Kattegat). We focus on the research conducted, results obtained, methods used, technical parameters of the offshore wind farms and prevailing abiotic conditions. Using the results of this review, we assess the relevance of this research for the Dutch offshore wind development and its effects on the benthic ecosystem of the DCS, and derive lessons for possible future studies.