Statoil Wind Limited (SWL) was incorporated on 19 February 2009 (on the 6 November the company name was changed from StatoilHydro Wind Limited). The ultimate parent company is Statoil ASA, which is incorporated in Norway, of which the ultimate controlling party is the Norwegian government. Statoil ASA is the second largest supplier of natural gas to the European market, with a market share of approximately 14%. The main delivery points into the UK are at Easington and St Fergus. Statoil ASA is responsible for the majority of the technical operations used in the processing and transportation of Norwegian natural gas.
The principal activity of SWL is the development of renewable energy projects in the United Kingdom. The company currently owns 25% of Forewind Limited, a company whose sole purpose is the development of offshore wind farms situated in the Dogger Bank zone off the eastern coast of England.