1.1.1 The purpose of this Ornithology technical report is to provide a detailed baseline characterisation of birds within and around the Project One ornithology study area.
1.1.2 Bird surveys were undertaken to collect data for an ornithological characterisation of Subzone 1 and the wider Hornsea Survey Area and to provide a baseline against which to assess potential impacts of the proposed development. Two years of survey work were undertaken. Year 1 covered March 2010 to February 2011, while Year 2 covered March 2011 to February 2012.
1.1.3 An overview of the baseline, together with the impact assessment, cumulative and transboundary impact assessment are provided within the Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Chapter 5: Ornithology. Details of the ornithology study area, legislation and guidance, consultation, data sources, methodology for data collection are also included within Volume 2, Chapter 5: Ornithology.
1.1.4 It is recommended that the Ornithology chapter (Volume 2, Chapter 5: Ornithology) is read in conjunction with this Technical Annex.