During the fall of 2005, Woodlot Alternatives, Inc. (Woodlot) conducted field surveys of bird and bat migration activity at the Clayton wind project area in Clayton, Orleans, and Brownville, New York. The surveys are part of the planning process by PPM Atlantic Renewable (PPM) for a proposed wind project, which will include the erection of up to 54 wind turbines within the surrounding landscape of predominately dairy and pasture land. Surveys included daytime surveys migrating raptors and nighttime surveys of birds and bats using radar and bat echolocation detectors. These studies represent the second of two seasons of migration surveys undertaken by PPM at this site.
The results of the field surveys provide useful information about site-specific migration activity and patterns in the vicinity of the Clayton wind project area. The findings of this study provide valuable information about migration patterns within the proposed project area, especially when compared to results from the spring survey. This analysis is a valuable tool for the assessment of risk to birds and bats during migration through the area.