A Funding Grant was awarded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in January 2017 is to demonstrate a grid-connected tidal energy array at a real-world tidal energy site in Shetland, propelling tidal energy towards competing on a commercial basis with alternative renewable sources of energy generation – Enabling Future Arrays in Tidal (EnFAIT). This was provided in response to the EU’s call ‘LCE-15-2016: Scaling up in the ocean energy sector to arrays’, which aims to generate significant learning opportunities in demonstrating cost-effective tidal arrays. As part of EnFAIT, an Environmental and Socio-Economic Appraisal (ESEA) has been prepared under Work Package 8. The objectives of the ESEA are to:
- assess the potential impact, positive and negative, of the tidal energy array on environmental and socio-economic receptors
- present mitigation actions to address any negative environmental and socio-economic risks and impacts, and review the approach taken to develop the environmental monitoring framework
- assess the potential impact of the array on the tidal energy industry at an EU-level
- capture and disseminate lessons learned for the tidal energy industry on managing environmental and socio-economic impacts, applying the existing policy and regulatory framework, developing local supply chains, and techniques for engaging with local communities.