Empire Offshore Wind LLC (Empire) proposes to construct and operate an offshore wind farm located in the designated Renewable Energy Lease Area OCS-A 0512 (Lease Area). The Lease Area covers approximately 79,350 acres (ac; 32,112 hectares [ha]) and is located approximately 14 statute miles (mi) (12 nautical miles [nm], 22 kilometers [km]) south of Long Island, New York and 19.5 mi (16.9 nm, 31.4 km) east of Long Branch, New Jersey. The Lease Area was awarded through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) competitive renewable energy lease auction of the Wind Energy Area (WEA) offshore of New York.
Empire proposes to develop the Lease Area in two wind farms, known as Empire Wind 1 (EW 1) and Empire Wind 2 (EW 2) (collectively referred to hereafter as the Project). Both EW 1 and EW 2 are covered in this Construction and Operations Plan (COP). EW 1 and EW 2 will be electrically isolated and independent from each other. Each wind farm will connect via offshore substations to separate Points of Interconnection (POIs) at onshore locations by way of export cable routes and onshore substations. In this respect, the Project includes two onshore locations in New York where the renewable electricity generated will be transmitted to the electric grid.
The purpose of the Project is to generate renewable electricity from offshore wind farms located in the Lease Area to address the need identified by New York for renewable energy and help the State of New York Public Service Commission achieve its renewable energy goals.
Empire has adopted a Project Design Envelope (PDE) approach to describe Project facilities and activities. A PDE is defined as “a reasonable range of project designs” associated with various components of the project (e.g., foundation and wind turbine generator [or wind turbine] options). The design envelope is then used to assess the potential impacts on key environmental and human use resources (e.g., marine mammals, fish, benthic habitats, commercial fisheries, navigation, etc.) focusing on the design parameter (within the defined range) that represents the greatest potential impact (i.e., the “maximum design scenario”) for each unique resource. The primary goal of applying a design envelope is to allow for meaningful assessments by the jurisdictional agencies of the proposed project elements and activities while concurrently providing the Leaseholder reasonable flexibility to make prudent development and design decisions prior to construction.
This COP covers the Lease Area and therefore addresses the proposed Project elements and the means and methods used for installing and operating the facilities as well as the potential positive and adverse effects of the Project.
Volume 1: Project Information
Volume 2
- Volume 2a: Physical Resources
- Volume 2b: Biological Resources
- Volume 2c: Cultural Resources
- Volume 2d: Visual Resources
- Volume 2e: Social Resources
- Volume 2f: Summary of Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation Measures
- Appendix A: Coastal Zone Management Consistency Statements
- Appendix B: Summary of Agency Engagement
- Appendix C: Certified Verification Agent
- Appendix D: Preliminary Hierarchy of Standards
- Appendix E: Conceptual Project Design Drawings
- Appendix F: Oil Spill Response Plan
- Appendix G: Safety Management System
- Appendix H: Marine Site Investigation Report
- Appendix I: Metocean Design Basis
- Appendix J: Sediment Transport Analysis
- Appendix K: Air Emissions Calculations and Methodology
- Appendix L: In-Air Acoustic Assessment
- Appendix M: Underwater Acoustic Assessment
- Appendix N: Information for Planning and Conservation (IPaC) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Natural Heritage Response Letters
- Appendix O: Economic Impacts of the Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2)
- Appendix P: Ornithological and Marine Fauna Aerial Survey
- Appendix Q: Avian Impact Assessment for the Proposed Empire Offshore Wind: Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2) in the New York Bight
- Appendix R: 2018 Bat Survey Report
- Appendix S: Bat Impact Assessment for the Proposed Empire Offshore Wind: Empire Wind Project (EW 1 and EW 2) in the New York Bight
- Appendix T: Benthic Resources Characterization Reports
- Appendix U: Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment
- Appendix V: Fisheries Mitigation Plan
- Appendix W: Environmental Mitigation Plan
- Appendix X: Marine Archaeological Resources Assessment
- Appendix Y: Terrestrial Archaeological Resources Assessment
- Appendix Z: Analysis of Visual Effects to Historic Properties
- Appendix AA: Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix BB: Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) Analysis
- Appendix CC: Obstruction Evaluation and Airspace Analysis
- Appendix DD: Navigation Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix EE: Offshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment
- Appendix FF: Onshore Electric and Magnetic Field Assessment