PacifiCorp owns and operates the 47 turbine (94 megawatt [MW]) Goodnoe Hills Wind Facility(Project) in Klickitat County, Washington. The Project has been in commercial operations since June 2008. PacifiCorp is currently upgrading the Project turbine nacelles and rotors. The current rotor diameter is 92.5 meters (m; 303.5 feet [ft]).The new turbine blades will have a 110.0m(360.9 ft) rotor diameter, effectively increasing the nameplate capacity of the Project from 94 to103 MW. The new, larger rotor diameter may change the risk to bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) of colliding with turbine blades due to this increased size of the rotor-swept area (RSA)/hazard area(Appendix A).Existing ancillary facilities and support structures, such as turbine tower sections, on-site substations, collector lines, and operations and maintenance(O&M)buildings are not anticipated to be upgraded. Access to the turbines is by existing public roads and access roads constructed for the Project, or existing roads improved to accommodate project requirements.
PacifiCorp contracted Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST) to develop this eagle conservation plan (ECP)as part of an Eagle Incidental Take Permit (ETP) pursuant to 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)§ 22.26(2009)and to proactively address potential impacts on bald and golden eagles resulting from operation of the Project. This ECP 1) summarizes the environmental conditions at the Project, 2) describes the avian and eagle study methods and results, 3) assesses potential impacts to eagles, 4) identifies avoidance and risk minimization actions that will be implemented during Project operation, and 5) provides a compensatory mitigation plan, if needed, for unavoidable impacts to eagles. PacifiCorp developed this ECP incoordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)and anticipates there will be modifications and refinements of the ECP with further coordination and discussions with the USFWS.