This report identifies and describes wildlife, habitat, rare plant, and other field investigations that were completed as of October 20, 2008 or are ongoing for the West Ridge Wind Energy Project (Project) located in southeast Oregon. Ongoing studies will be completed during the appropriate season(s) in 2009.
These studies, requested by West Ridge Wind, LLC (WRW) will help assess the presence in and use of the Project area by special status wildlife and plant species occurring during the nesting and vegetative-growing season, as well as document use by wildlife during other seasons. The information will aid in siting of the wind project facility footprint and help in identifying sensitive areas where disturbance should be minimized or avoided. The 2009 field surveys will take place in the proposed micrositing corridors in which the facilities will be located. The 2009 raptor nest survey area will include a two mile buffer of all turbines.
Descriptions of each of the following studies that have been conducted or will be conducted are provided within this report:
- Review of existing information and database search
- Habitat mapping
- Avian use surveys
- Special status wildlife surveys
- Aerial raptor nest survey
- Rare plant surveys
- Small-plot avian surveys