The prefectural decree of March 17, 2016 authorizes the company Parc du Banc de Guérande (PBG), under article L214-3 of the Environmental Code, to develop and operate a wind farm in sea of Saint-Nazaire. Article 2.5 of this decree describes the monitoring that must be undertaken taking into account the expected impacts of the project on the environment.
Article 2.6 of this decree provides that “an annual environmental assessment [be] carried out up to the operating phase and during the first five years of operation”. This must “summarize[r] the reports established as part of the monitoring program and all the measures taken to comply with the provisions [of the decree] including the corrective measures put in place if necessary”.
The environmental measurements and monitoring carried out as part of the SaintNazaire offshore wind farm project are defined in the Environmental Impact Study. The analysis protocols and reports are subject to the opinion of the Technical Environmental Committee in charge of evaluating and monitoring the effects of the project and the effectiveness of the measures on the environment, and validated by the Prefect of Loire-Atlantique.