The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of wind and marine renewable energy, supporting the OES-Environmental and WREN initiatives. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Evaluación de la actividad de forrajeo y composición de especies de murciélagos en cultivos agrícolas dentro del área de influencia de dos proyectos de parques eólicos de la zona central de Chile | Ortiz-Perez, F. I. | Thesis | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Bats | ||
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects (KEC) 4.0 for the roll-out of offshore wind energy and wind farm zones (Éxtra Task 2030+) | Rijkswaterstaat | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change | Ecosystem Processes | |
Density maps of the herring gull for the Dutch continental shelf | Soudijn, F.; Chen, C.; Potiek, A.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds, Seabirds | |
Acceptable Levels of Impact from offshore wind farms on the Dutch Continental Shelf for 21 bird species | Potiek, A.; Ijntema, G.J.; van Kooten, T.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision | Birds, Seabirds, Shorebirds, Waterfowl, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | |
Spatial co-occurrence between wind power and boreal forestlands with lichen important for reindeer browsing | Lundmark, E. | Thesis | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Displacement, Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Terrestrial Mammals | |
Introduction of New Offshore Wind Farm Structures: Effects on Fish Ecology | SEER | Summary | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Fish | |
Benthic Disturbance from Offshore Wind Foundations, Anchors, and Cables | SEER | Summary | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Fish, Demersal Fish, Invertebrates, Physical Environment | |
Wind Farms Waste: Non-Calculated Environmental Impact? | Martínez-Mendoza, E.; Fernández-Echeverría, E.; García-Santamaría, L. ; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
Spatialized ecological network analysis for ecosystem-based management: effects of climate change, marine renewable energy, and fishing on ecosystem functioning in the Bay of Seine | Noguès, Q.; Araignous, E.; Bourdaud, P.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Ecosystem Processes, Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Fisheries | ||
Bat Impact Assessment: Latrodex Wind Energy Facility | Dippenaar, S. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Bats, Environmental Impact Assessment | |
Strategies for Redesigning High Performance FRP Wind Blades as Future Electrical Infrastructure | Al-Hadded, T.; Alshannaq, A.; Bank, L.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy | Human Dimensions | ||
A scientific study recommends excluding and moving offshore wind farms away from the protected areas in the Mediterranean | Universitat de Barcelona; University of Girona | Magazine Article | Wind Energy | Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Marine Spatial Planning, Recreation & Tourism | ||
Field Observations of Scour Behavior around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter | Lancaster, O.; Cossu, R.; Heatherington, C.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
2022 Pacific Seabird Group 49th Annual Meeting. 22 - 25 February 2022 | Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Birds, Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement | ||
Crossing artificial obstacles during migration: The relative global ecological risks and interdependencies illustrated by the migration of common quail Coturnix coturnix | Nadal, J.; Sáez, D.; Margalida, A. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds | |
Passive acoustic tracking of the three-dimensional movements and acoustic behaviour of toothed whales in close proximity to static nets | Macaulay, G.; Kingston, A.; Coram, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Entanglement | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | ||
Review on Floating Offshore Wind Turbines | Jodha, S.; Sharma, V.; Arul, A. | Conference Paper | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions | ||
Satellite Tracking of Migration Routes of the Eastern Buzzard (Buteo japonicus) in Japan through Sakhalin | Hijikata, N.; Yamaguchi, N.; Hiraoka, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds | |
Wave-Energy Devices Might Affect the Natural Environment: Scientists plan research to better understand effects | Oregon State University; Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC); Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC); et al. | Magazine Article | Marine Energy, Wave | EMF, Entanglement, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Interactions between tidal stream turbine arrays and their hydrodynamic impact around Zhoushan Island, China | Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Angeloudis, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
The Social Acceptance of Airborne Wind Energy: A Literature Review | Schmidt, H.; de Vries, G.; Renes, R.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Visual Impacts | ||
Impacts of 319 wind farms on surface temperature and vegetation in the United States | Qin, Y.; Li, Y.; Xu, R.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change | Physical Environment | |
Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic Influences from Ocean Current Energy Conversion Sites in the South–Southeastern Brazilian Inner Shelf | de Paula Kirinus, E.; Oleinik, P.; Marques, W. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Ocean Current | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
An observational study of hydrodynamic impact on water mass transport due to tidal power generation | Kim, J.; Woo, S-B.; Song, J.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
A Predictive Flight-Altitude Model for Avoiding Future Conflicts Between an Emblematic Raptor and Wind Energy Development in the Swiss Alps | Vignali, S.; Lörcher, F.; Hegglin, D.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
Tracking lesser black-backed and herring gulls in the Dutch Delta | Vanermen, N.; Fijn, R.; Rebolledo, E.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Collision | Birds, Seabirds | |
A multi-criteria GIS-based model for wind farm site selection with the least impact on environmental pollution using the OWA-ANP method | Mokarram, M.; Pourghasemi, H.; Mokarram, M. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | ||
A Stochastic Model for Estimating Sustainable Limits to Wildlife Mortality in a Changing World | Manlik, O.; Lacy, R.; Sherwin, W.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | ||
Emergence of Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Structures Due to Atmospheric Offshore Wind Farm Wakes | Christiansen, N.; Daewel, U.; Djath, B.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Offshore wind farm effects on flounder and gadid dietary habits and condition on the northeastern US coast | Wilber, D.; Brown, L.; Griffin, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Fish, Physical Environment | |
Tidal GES - A transition to affordable and clean energy that can achieve ‘Good Environmental Status’ in coastal and marine waters | Power, A. ; Lambert, E. ; Hynes, S.; et al. | Research Study | Tidal | Collision, Displacement, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Riding the wave: Challenges and opportunities for marine renewable energies in Canada’s energy transition | Forrest, D.; Li, X.; Aviles, M.; et al. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | |||
Assessment of effectiveness of the IdentiFlight® avian detection system | Rogers, D. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
A risk-based method to prioritize cumulative impacts assessment on marine biodiversity and research policy for offshore wind farms in France | Brignon, J.; Lejart, M.; Nexer, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals | |
Engaged minority or quiet majority? Social intentions and actions related to offshore wind energy development in the United States | Fleming, C.; Gonyo, S.; Freitag, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement | ||
Application of Monte Carlo and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Processes for ranking floating wind farm locations | Díaz, H.; Teixeira, A.; Soares, C. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Birds, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Recreation & Tourism | |
A fine-scale marine mammal movement model for assessing long-term aggregate noise exposure | Joy, R.; Schick, R.; Dowd, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Habitat Change, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | ||
Recommended metrics for quantifying underwater noise impacts on North Atlantic right whales | Marotte, E.; Wright, A.; Breeze, H.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change, Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment | |
A Novel Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model to Evaluate Floating Wind Farm Locations | Díaz, H.; Soares, C. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Firefly Floating Offshore Wind Power Project: EIA-Scoping Report | Equinor south Korea Corp Ltd | Report | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | |||
Life cycle assessment of floating offshore wind farms: An evaluation of operation and maintenance | Garcia-Teruel, A.; Rinaldi, G.; Thies, P.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions, Life Cycle Assessment | ||
Challenging dominant sustainability worldviews on the energy transition: Lessons from Indigenous communities in Mexico and a plea for pluriversal technologies | Velasco-Herrejón, P.; Bauwens, T.; Friant, M. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Avoidance, Habitat Change | Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice | |
Socioeconomic Impacts of Wave Energy Knowledge and Service Providers to Oregon | Garrett, J.; Thompson, P.; Conway, F. | Report | Marine Energy, Wave | Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data, Stakeholder Engagement | ||
Revolution Wind COP Appendix Z3: Protected Species Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (PSMMP): Marine Mammals | Revolution Wind, LLC | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Marine Mammals | ||
Maryland Offshore Wind Construction and Operations Plan: Appendix II N2 - Avian Monitoring Plan | Normandeau Associates Inc | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Bats | ||
Seafloor Disturbance and Recovery Monitoring at the Block Island Wind Farm, Rhode Island: Summary Report (Year 6) | Olsen, K.; Erickson, R.; Hughes, E.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Physical Environment | |
Supporting National Environmental Policy Act Documentation for Offshore Wind Energy Development Related to Decommissioning Offshore Wind Facilities | Fernandez, K.; Middleton, P.; Salerno, J.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | |
Supporting National Environmental Policy Act Documentation for Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Development Related to Microclimates | Middleton, P.; Barnhart, B. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Megafauna Aerial Surveys in the Wind Energy Areas of Massachusetts and Rhode Island with Emphasis on Large Whales: Final Report Campaign 6B, 2020-2021 | O'Brien, O.; McKenna, K.; Pendleton, D.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans | ||
Cumulative population-level effects of habitat loss on seabirds 'Kader Ecologie en Cumulatie 4.0' | Soudijn, F.; van Donk, S.; Leopold, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds, Seabirds |
Displaying 1601 - 1650 of 10295