Co-sponsored by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the Wind Energy and Birds/Bats Workshop was convened to examine current research on the impacts of wind energy development on avian and bat species and to discuss the most effective ways to mitigate such impacts.
On 18-19 May 2004, 82 representatives from government, non-government organizations, private business, and academia met to
- Review the status of the wind industry and current project development practices, including pre-development risk assessment and post-construction monitoring;
- Learn what is known about direct, indirect (habitat), and cumulative impacts on birds and bats from existing wind projects; about relevant aspects of bat and bird migration ecology; about offshore wind development experience in Europe; and about preventing, minimizing, and mitigating avian and bat impacts;
- Review wind development guidelines developed by the USFWS and the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife; and to
- Identify topics needing further research and to discuss what can be done to ensure that research is both credible and accessible.
Event Documents
The following is a list of papers and presentations produced by this event.
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