Wilhelmsson, D.
About Me:
Dr. Dan Wilhelmsson has worked with issues around sustainable use (e.g. fisheries, alternative livelihoods), conservation, and monitoring of coastal natural resources since 15-16 years back. He was regional manager for the Coastal Ocean Research and Development program in South Asia and assisting manager for the secretariat for the intergovernmental organisation ICRI for a number of years. Since 2003 he has been working with varying intensity on the environmental risks and opportunities of offshore renewable energy development (e.g. offshore wind and wave power). This includes research on fish, crustaceans and benthos inside wind and wave farms, as well as scientific reviews of effects on the marine environment as a whole. Within this field, Dan was Scientific Coordinator at IUCN Global Marine Programme and consultant. Today, Dan is Deputy Director/Scientific advisor at the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences.