Using dose–response functions to improve calculations of the impact of anthropogenic noise |
Tyack, P., Thomas, L. |
Journal Article |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Updated Scientific Recommendations for Residual Hearing Effects |
Southall, B., Finneran, J., Reichmuth, C. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Understanding the population consequences of disturbance |
Pirotta, E., Booth, C., Costa, D. |
Journal Article |
Marine Mammals |
Developing an essential ocean variable for the acoustic environment |
Tyack, P. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
How effectively do horizontal and vertical response strategies of long-finned pilot whales reduce sound exposure from naval sonar? |
Wensveen, P., von Benda-Beckmann, A., Ainslie, M. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy |
Habitat Change, Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Individual right whales call louder in increased environmental noise |
Parks, S., Johnson, M., Nowacek, D. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Behavioral Responses of Beaked Whales and Other Cetaceans to Controlled Exposures of Simulated Sonar and Other Sounds |
Southall, B., Tyack, P., Moretti, D. |
Presentation |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
The Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals |
Boyd, I., Brownell, B., Cato, D. |
Report |
Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Implications for Marine Mammals of Large-Scale Changes in the Marine Acoustic Environment |
Tyack, P. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Marine Mammal Noise Exposure Criteria: Initial Scientific Recommendations |
Southall, B., Bowles, A., Ellison, W. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Pinnipeds |
Responses of Cetaceans to Anthropogenic Noise |
Nowacek, D., Thorne, L., Johnston, D. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Wind Turbine Underwater Noise and Marine Mammals: Implications of Current Knowledge and Data Needs |
Madsen, P., Wahlberg, M., Tougaard, J. |
Journal Article |
Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |
Understanding the Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Beaked Whales |
Cox, T., Ragen, T., Read, A. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) Ignore Ships but Respond to Alerting Stimuli |
Nowacek, D., Johnson, M., Tyack, P. |
Journal Article |
Attraction, Noise, Vessel Strike |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
A Digital Acoustic Recording Tag for Measuring the Response of Wild Marine Mammals to Sound |
Johnson, M., Tyack, P. |
Journal Article |
Noise |
Marine Mammals, Cetaceans |
Low-Frequency Sound and Marine Mammals: Current Knowledge and Research Needs |
Green, D., DeFerrari, H., McFadden, D. |
Book Chapter |
Noise |
Marine Mammals |