Houser, D.

Name: Dwight Houser
Background: Developer
Organization: Ocean Motion International, llc
Interest: Wave energy
Country: United States of America

About Me:

Ocean Motion International, llc (OMI) developed a renewable-energy utility system that produces 1) electrical power, 2) desalinated potable water, and 3) high-purity, commercial-grade hydrogen. All driven by the power of the ocean waves, the innovative Combined Energy System (CES) provides 100% carbon-neutral green energy. It operates with ultra-efficiency and without additional power or fuel requirements in providing valuable, low-cost utility products. After 20 years of development, recent testing at Scripps Institute of Oceanography we are ready to install commercial units. I'm the President of Ocean Motion International and have been a Senior Manager responsible for key projects directing multi-disciplined activities at the National Energy Technology Laboratory-West Virginia, Nevada Test Site, Bruce Power Nuclear Plant-Canada, Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility-Colorado, Los Alamos National Laboratory-New Mexico, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, as well as other facilities in the United States. Graduate Masters Degree in Environmental Management from the University of Denver, Colorado with science courses taken at the School of Mines, and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of LaVerne, California.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 5