The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) aims to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) of the European maritime waters by 2020 (EU, 2008). GES is defined in terms of eleven descriptors, one of which is underwater noise (descriptor 11). The MSFD calls for Member States to identify measures to be taken to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (Article 13/1), but also to “ensure that measures are cost-effective and technically feasible” by carrying out impact assessments and costbenefit analyses (CBA) prior to the introduction of any new measure (article 13/3).
At present, no formal MSFD-measures regarding underwater noise have been proposed, so formally an SCBA is not required. However, the overview of costs and benefits can be used to consider the conditions and measures to be included in permits for human activities in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) has decided that at this stage there is added value in performing an SCBA, since this study can serve as a basis for the national transposition of the European Nature Conservation policies which include MSFD, Habitat and Birds Directive (Natura2000), the Water Framework Directive and the conservation plan for the Harbour Porpoise.
The issue of underwater noise and policy on noise mitigating or preventing measures is also particularly relevant in the context of the Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth (EA). One important element of the EA is the objective of 4,450 MW installed offshore wind power in 2023, to be realised through a phased procurement procedure starting in 2015. Parties are also committed to a substantial reduction in costs of offshore wind projects. The need for insight into the influence of measures to mitigate or prevent underwater noise on the costs and timely completion of these projects is another purpose for this study.