This supplemental report presents the methods, results, and recommendations from a supplemental marine archaeological reconnaissance survey of the revised layout of the offshore portion of Cape Wind Associates, LLC’s (Cape Wind’s) proposed wind energy generation facility (the project) in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts. The survey was performed in June, July, and November 2005 in collaboration with ESS Group, Inc. (ESS), Ocean Surveys, Inc. (OSI), and the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography (URI-GSO). Revisions to the proposed offshore layout involve the relocation or elimination of wind turbine generators (WTG) (i.e., WTG's D4, D5, G3, G4, H9, I4, I5 and L4) and their interconnecting cable routes (i.e., between WTG's F7-G7, F9G9, G2-G3, G3-G4, G4-G5, G9-H9, and I4-I5 ), in part to avoid project impacts to archaeologically sensitive targets and confirmed and potential paleosol areas identified during the 2003 marine archaeological reconnaissance survey of the offshore project impact area (Robinson et al. 2004).