The impact-producing factors (IPFs) of underwater noise, vessel traffic, sediment suspension, seafloor disturbance, trash and debris, visible structures, lighting, and electromagnetic fields (EMF) were assessed for their potential to adversely impact marine mammals, sea turtles, and sturgeon that are reasonably expected to occur in or near the South Fork Wind Farm (SFWF) and associated South Fork Export Cable (SFEC) areas during construction and operation of the SFWF and SFEC. This Appendix is designed to provide supplemental information regarding affected marine mammal, sea turtle, and sturgeon species, and the IPFs that have the potential to reach minor to major impact determination, with an emphasis on underwater noise. Underwater noise is treated in more detail as the species under consideration in this Appendix are known to be more vulnerable to this IPF, and as most of these species are already considered vulnerable populations, more care was taken to address potential impacts.