SafeWAVE Deliverable 7.5, ‘Tailored Ocean Literacy Programmes Focusing on Wave Energy’, uses the framework developed in Deliverable 7.4 to organise an approach for creating education and public engagement (EPE) programmes that are tailored to the specific circumstances in each of the communities of the project’s four member countries – France, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. These programmes will aim to: (i) raise awareness of wave energy, energy transition and climate action through outreach, education, and training initiatives and (ii) provide an inclusive mechanism for community and wider society stakeholders to input into the planning and realisation of ocean energy projects. Roughly one-quarter of the document (Sections 5, 6, and 7) presents a guide for the SafeWAVE Project’s EPE facilitators to reference as they plan the programmes for their communities. Each of these sections details the planning steps to be considered for representative EPE activities in each of the framework tiers – consultation, collaboration, and co-creation. The EPE facilitators can refer to the planning stages of the activities in the framework tier most appropriate for the level of engagement they seek in each of their respective communities. These different plans for engagement are detailed in chapters 9 - 12 for each community of the SafeWAVE Project.