Rhyl Flats Wind Farm Ltd (RFOWFL) is progressing the construction of an off shore wind farm and associated infrastructure at Rhyl Flats. The main development area lies approximately 8km north of Abergele and 10 km north-west of Rhyl, on the North Wales coast. The wind farm will consist of 25 turbines, with an approximate generating capacity of 90 MW. It is linked to the coast by cable routes that continue in-shore, connecting to the electricity distribution network inland of Abergele.
Construction on site will take place in 3 phases under a multi contract arrangement as follows:
Phase 1 – completed Summer 2007
Turbine Foundation (Scour Protection) Contractor - MT HØjgaard A/S (MTH)
Phase 2 - commencing Spring 2008
Foundation Installation, Contractor - MT HØjgaard A/S (MTH)
Cable Installation, Contractor – Oceanteam Power and Umbilical (OPU)
Wind Turbine Erection, Contractor – Siemens AG
Phase 3 – Summer 2008
Commissioning and Operations