• A review of the potential prey species of red-throated diver in the Thames Estuary over the winter period was conducted by Cork Ecology.
• Previous studies elsewhere found cod, herring, sprat and whiting to be the most important prey species by weight.
• Fish species known to be red-throated diver prey items that occur or are likely to occur in the Thames Estuary were reviewed.
• Species accounts outline the life history, habitat, behaviour, distribution and abundance within the Thames Estuary.
• From the available information, it is likely that the chief prey items of red-throated divers in the Thames Estuary during winter are herring and sprat. In addition, sand gobies, whiting and flatfish such as flounder and dab may also be important.
• In order to determine more precisely what fish species are present in areas where higher numbers of red-throated divers were recorded on aerial surveys, winter fishing surveys should be carried out.