This Year 2 Post-Construction report was prepared for Enel Green Power, North America which operates the Prairie Rose Wind Energy Facility (Prairie Rose), located in Rock County, Minnesota. This facility began commercial operation in December 2012 and consists of 119 1.68-megawatt (MW) GE wind turbines, with an overall capacity of 200 MW of electricity. The turbine towers are 262 feet (ft); 80 meters [m] high with a 256-ft (78-m) blade diameter, resulting in rotor swept heights of 138 to 387 ft (42 to 118 m) above ground level. Monitoring studies designed to estimate bird and bat fatality rates attributable to wind turbine operation was conducted from April 15 through October 29, 2014. Monitoring included carcass removal and searcher efficiency trials to estimate potential sources of bias. Fatality estimates were generated for bats using methods consistent with the approach outlined by Shoenfeld (2004) and Erickson et al. (2005).