Physical and numerical large-scale wave basin (LSWB) modeling of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and wave impact phenomena are examined in this study. In particular, the role of numerical modeling and simulation in design and analysis of physical LSWB FSI and wave impact experiments using a numerical wave basin (NWB) modeling approach is examined. Physical characteristics and testing capabilities of a representative LSWB are first described. Selected physical FSI and wave impact experiments pertaining to civil, energy and naval engineering disciplines conducted at the LSWB and the accompanying NWBFSI modeling and simulations of these challenging phenomena are presented. An effort to further improve the NWBFSI software with highly nonlinear wave impact modeling capabilities to facilitate physical FSI experiment design and testing, and details of an on-going NWB development and validation processes are delineated. It is demonstrated that the NWBFSI software is useful in facilitating the design of complex, highly nonlinear FSI and wave impact experiments. Conversely, the resulting measured data from the FSI and wave impact experiments can be used to validate and identify further modeling improvement needs of the NWBFSI and wave impact software.