The Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act, signed in 2004, requires that 18% of electricity sold to retail customers come from renewable energy sources within 15 years. In 2007, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) worked collaboratively with the wind industry to develop a Voluntary Wind Energy Cooperative Agreement (Cooperative Agreement) to further understand, avoid, minimize, and mitigate potential impacts to wildlife and its habitat from wind energy development. The Cooperative Agreement requires at least one year of standardized pre-construction surveys and two years of standardized post-construction mortality monitoring at proposed or active wind energy facilities. Effort level for surveys is determined by assigned risk levels designated by the PGC using criteria outlined in the Cooperative Agreement. The results of pre-construction surveys are used by the PGC to prescribe avoidance and minimization measures whereas post-construction monitoring enables the PGC to assess the impacts of wind energy development to wildlife in Pennsylvania and apply adaptive management techniques to further avoid, minimize, and mitigate wildlife impacts. This report summarizes pre- and post-construction survey data gathered by Cooperators through December 31, 2011. .