New England Wind is the proposal to develop offshore renewable wind energy facilities in Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Lease Area OCS-A 0534 along with associated offshore and onshore cabling, onshore substations, and onshore operations and maintenance (O&M) facilities. New England Wind will be developed in two Phases with a maximum of 130 wind turbine generator (WTG) and electrical service platform (ESP) positions. Phase 1, which includes the Park City Wind project, will be located in the northeastern portion of Lease Area OCS-A 0534. Phase 2, which includes Commonwealth Wind, will occupy the remainder of Lease Area OCS-A 0534. Four or five offshore export cables (two for Phase 1 and two or three for Phase 2) will transmit electricity generated by the WTGs to onshore transmission systems in the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts unless technical, logistical, grid interconnection, or other unforeseen issues arise.
Park City Wind LLC (the Company), a wholly owned subsidiary of Avangrid Renewables, LLC, will be responsible for the construction, operation, and decommissioning of New England Wind. The Company is committed to successful communication and coordination with the commercial and recreational fishing communities, and this Fisheries Communications Plan (FCP) will inform and direct the Company’s fisheries engagement and communications.
The New England Wind FCP is a living document and aligns with the Vineyard Wind 1 FCP, which was first drafted in 2011 to improve communication with fishermen potentially affected by the development of that offshore wind project. This document continues to evolve with each iteration, benefitting from lessons learned and incorporating feedback and guidance from fishermen, fishing organizations, and regulatory agencies. The Company strongly believes that increased participation from the fishing industry in the development, construction, and operation of offshore wind projects will help the offshore wind sector to reduce user conflict, improve project design, and result in a better understanding between the two industries.