UNDP Country Offices in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and UNATSCR 1244 of Kosovo, developed a regional programme around nine pollution hot spots in the Western Balkans, driven by the need for improving the quality of the environment. The Project will be implemented over a 30-month period, covering three areas: remediation (construction works), policy dialogue in the area of environmental protection and development of professional services in the environment management sector. While the construction of facilities to alleviate environmental problems and pollution will be the main focus, strengthening and building institutional capacities will be an important element throughout the programme.
The UNDP intervention in the municipality of Vrbas (AP Vojvodina), as agreed at the regional level, is part of a bigger remediation project consisting of: construction of the new, missing part of the main sewage collector, industrial wastewater pre-treatment, the construction of a central wastewater treatment plant (CWTP) and the remediation of the Grand Backa Canal.
In a regional context, the national Serbian component of the Programme "Strengthening Capacities in Western Balkan Countries to Address Environmental Problems through Remediation of High Priority Pollution Hot Spots - Remediation of the Grand Backa Canal" involves construction works on the entire missing part of the main sewer collector, Phase IV.1 Ch. km 5+999 - 8+061, Phase IV.2 Ch. km 8+061 - 10+019 municipality of Vrbas and Phase V Ch. Km 10+019 - 12+628 in municipality of Kula. In addition to the construction works, the project also has a significant institutional capacity building component aiming to improve environmental protection management.